From New York Times, Music Listings

Classical Music
November 15, 2009


(Sunday) A fine recording of the Liszt Sonata and Rachmaninoff’s
Sonata No. 2 shows this young, Armenian-born pianist to be a
thoughtful, technically polished player, and explains why she has won
prizes in several recent competitions, including the Montreal
International Music Competition in 2008. She makes her New York
recital debut with a program that includes Bach’s Partita No. 3,
Beethoven’s Sonata No. 31 in A flat (Op. 110), Liszt’s Ballade No. 2
and Schumann’s `Humoresque.’ At 5:00 p.m., Frick Collection, 1 East
70th Street, Manhattan , (212) 547-0715, (Alan Kozinn)