Categories: News

NKR: All-Armenian Raise Of Funds Starts


NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
November 17, 2009

During the forthcoming days the regular national raise of funds
initiated by the "Armenia" all-Armenian fund will take place, where
the NKR population together with the Armenians all over the world
will contribute its share. A republican staff at the head of the
NKR Vice Premier, Minister of Finance Spartak Tevosyan which is
aimed at conducting efficient raise of funds was created. Today,
a staff consultation took place where a number of issues related to
the money collection process were discussed. S.Tevosyan noted that
positive reverberations have already been received from the NKR
numerous public, social and business institutions and individuals
who express their readiness to actively participate in the raise of
funds with a considerable contribution quantity. The participants
of the consultation decided to convey a corresponding message to the
citizens of Artsakh.

The funds raised by the all-Armenian monetary contribution will be
aimed at reconstruction and development of the town of Shoushi.

Hunanian Jack:
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