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NKR Prime Minister’s Meetings In The USA


NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
November 18, 2009

On November 17, NKR Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan visited St. Vardan
Cathedral in New York City (NY) and met with the leader of the
Eastern Diocese of Armenian Apostolic Church, leaders of a number of
organizations, representatives of the Armenian community at the USA
Eastern Diocese of Armenian Apostolic Church.

Ara Haroutyunyan presented the social and economic state of the
Republic, the programmes being implemented in the NKR, as well as the
present-day process of Karabakhian-Azerbaijani conflict settlement
and its perspectives.

The Head of the NKR Government attached importance to the continual
development and extension of Homeland-Diaspora relations and to the
significant role of the Armenian Church in this process.

The significance of the town of Shoushi and the importance of its
prosperity for the Armenian people and the Armenian state system were
mutually underlined.

* * *

The same day, Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan visited the RA Permanent
Representative Office in the UNO and met with Karen Nazaryan, Permanent
Representative of Armenia in the United Nations Organization.

During the meeting issues concerning the Karabakhian-Azerbaijani
conflict settlement as well as those related to political developments
on regional and global scales were discussed.

Ara Haroutyunyan underlined that NKR authorities and citizens attach
great importance to the impartial and veritable representation of
Karabakh conflict at different international instances and the UNO
has a particularly significant role in this context.

NKR Government Head noted with great satisfaction that the
Representative Office of Armenia in the USA has activated its work
in this direction and this policy must carry continual character in
future as well.

* * *

On November 17, Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan had a meeting with
a group of members of Armenian Jewellers’ Union at the head of the
Chief of the organization Paul Minoyan.

At the meeting a number of issues related to the social and economic
state of Artsakh and various programmes in process of implementation
there were discussed.

The Prime Minister signified the role of such unions noting that
their efficient activity represents one of the conditions necessary
to unite the Armenian world business power and to develop mutually
beneficial business cooperation with Homeland.

Leader of Artsakh Diocese of Armenian Apostolic Church Archbishop
Pargev Martirosyan, Secretary of the Central Information Department of
the NKR President’s Staff Davit Babayan, NKR Permanent Representative
in the USA Robert Avetisyan participated in the NKR Prime Minister’s
meetings in the USA .

Chalian Meline:
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