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NKR Prime Minister’s Visit To The USA Proceeds


NKR Government Information and Public Relations Department
November 19, 2009

On November 18, NKR Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan had a meeting with
the representative of the ARF central committee of the USA Eastern
region Andranik Gasparyan and member of that committee Hrayr Baronyan.

During the meeting a number of issues dealing with the
Karabakhian-Azerbaijani conflict settlement, Armenian-Turkish
relations, the social and economic state of Artsakh and
Homeland-Diaspora contacts were discussed.

The Head of the NKR Government underlined that the Armenian-Turkish
relations have no concern with the Karabakhian-Azerbaijani conflict
settlement and they cannot further develop owing to unilateral
concessions in the Karabakh conflict and the fact of non-recognition
of the Armenian genocide of 1915. The Prime Minister noted that
the education of a patriotic generation represents one of the
essential principles of the further consolidation and extension of
Homeland-Diaspora relations.

Speaking about the reconstruction of Shoushi, this programme, the
successful realization of which will give the response of numerous
questions, was mutually underlined as having a vital importance for
the Armenians all over the world.

The Leader of the Artsakh Diocese of the Armenian Apostolic Church
Archbishop Pargev Martirosyan, Secretary of the Central Information
Department of the NKR President’s Staff Davit Babayan and the Permanent
NKR Representative to the USA Robert Avetisyan partook in the meeting.

* * *

The same day the NKR delegation at the head of the NKR Prime Minister
accompanied by the RA Permanent Representative to the UNO Karen
Nazaryan visited the United Nations Organization and got familiarized
with the structure and activities of the authoritative organization.

Ara Haroutyunyan noted that the international recognition of the
independence of Artsakh and the membership of our Republic to the
UNO is just a matter of time.

Furthermore the Head of the Government left for the town of Paramus and
had a meeting with the Executive of Director of the Armenian Evangelic
Union Andrew Tourikyan at the central office of the organization.

At the meeting a number of issues concerning the implementation of
various programmes in Artsakh were discussed. They specially touched
upon the construction of a new nursery school complex in Hadrout.

Ara Haroutyunyan highly evaluated the contribution of the Armenian
Evangelic Union in the process of reconstruction and development of
the preschool system in the Republic and expressed his hope towards
the continuation of their active cooperation furthermore.

* * *

On November 18, in honour of the delegation at the head of the NKR
Prime Minister a dinner was organized, which was participated by
about sixty representatives and benefactors of the Armenian community.

In his speech Ara Haroutyunyan presented the social and economic state
of the Republic, the programmes devoted to the reconstruction and
development of Shoushi, and answered the questions the participants
were interested in. The RA Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador
to the USA Tatul Margaryan and the RA Permanent Representative to
the UNO Karen Nazaryan partook in the meeting.

Kafian Jirair:
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