BAKU: Council of Azerbaijani-Turkish Diaspora Organizations jt meet

APA, Azerbaijan
Nov 21 2009

European Azerbaijanis Congress and Coordination Council of
Azerbaijani-Turkish Diaspora Organizations hold joint meeting in

[ 21 Nov 2009 11:10 ]

Frankfurt ` APA. European Azerbaijanis Congress and Coordination
Council of Azerbaijani-Turkish Diaspora Organizations hold a joint
meeting in Frankfurt, Germany on Saturday.

The State Committee for Diaspora Activities took into consideration
addressed of the European Azerbaijanis Congress and Turkish
communities in the different countries and put forward an initiative
to hold such meeting. The addresses said important events in the
region in 2009, particularly signing of protocols between Turkey and
Armenia on October 10 about the establishing of diplomatic relations
between the two countries and development of bilateral relations
caused serious concerns and protests of Azerbaijani and Turkish
Diaspora organizations. They univocally stressed that the opening of
Turkish-Armenian borders without solution to Armenian-Azerbaijani
Nagorno Karabakh conflict is unacceptable and they support
Azerbaijan’s position on this issue.

The State Committee considers it necessary to express the position of
Azerbaijani and Turkish Diasporas in large scale. Vice Speaker of the
Azerbaijani parliament Bahar Muradova, chief of the public policy
department of the Presidential Administration Ali Hasanov, chairman of
the State Committee for Diaspora Activities Nazim Ibrahimov, members
of the parliament, scientists, intellectuals, as well as members of
the European Azerbaijanis Congress and Coordination Council of
Azerbaijani-Turkish Diaspora Organizations participate at the meeting.

The meeting of European Azerbaijanis Congress and Coordination Council
of Azerbaijani-Turkish Diaspora Organizations will consist of three
panels: `Azerbaijan-Turkey: common history, common interests and
common problems’, `Integration of Azerbaijan and Turkey into the
globalized world: realities, problems and prospects’ and `Contemporary
development level and prospects of cooperation between Azerbaijani and
Turkish Diaspora organizations’.

European Azerbaijani Information Center will be presented at the
meeting. The center will enhance propaganda opportunities of European
Azerbaijani Diaspora. It will provide Europe with information about
history and today’s realities of our country. It will contribute to
the strengthening of solidarity between the Azerbaijanis abroad and
will be important bridge between them and Azerbaijani community.
Initiative Group of the Union of European Azerbaijani Women
Organizations will be established at the meeting.