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BAKU: Turkey May Lose Azerbaijan


Nov 23 2009

Ali Hasanov The Turkish authorities may lose Azerbaijan if they open
borders with Armenia as this contradicts to Azerbaijan’s interests.

"Azerbaijan has never taken steps contradicting to Turkey’s interests
and we want Turkey not to take any steps against Azerbaijan’s
interests, too. Otherwise, Turkey will lose Azerbaijan", Ali Hasanov,
chief of department at Azerbaijan’s presidential administration, told
a sitting of the Azerbaijani and Turkish Diaspora representatives in
Germany on Saturday.

He said Azerbaijan is not against the opening of all borders in the
region but it may happen only after Armenian troops withdraw from
Azerbaijani lands.

He considers Turkey will not gain too much after opening borders with
Armenia but the authorities (Hasanov stressed the word ‘authorities’,
not the ‘Turkish state’ or ‘the people’) taking this decision will
lose Azerbaijan.

"The opening of the Armenian-Turkish border will not establish peace
in the South Caucasus. This step cannot ensure Turkey’s interests
in the South Caucasus. All borders should open for this purpose",
Hasanov considers.

He noted that anyone who attempts to interfere with the good neighbor
relations between Azerbaijan and Turkey will harm himself. "So,
tet’s safeguard these relations", Hasanov said.

Vanyan Gary:
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