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BAKU: Opening Of Armenia-Turkey Border Will Not Affect Efficiency Of


Nov 24 2009

Day.Az interview with Azerbaijani Deputy Transport Minister Musa

Day.Az: At what stage are works to build Baku-Tbilisi-Akhalkalaki-Kars

Musa Panahov: Work is underway in the construction site to establish
a new connection. I mean the 26 kilometers of new railway which is
laid to connect the border with Turkey to counter a branch under
construction. The construction work is much more intense in Georgia
than ever before. We have stepped up the pace of construction and
involved extra forces from a contractor. Overhaul of the section
from Marabda to Akhalkalaki station has completed. In other words,
the project documents are ready.

The project is implemented in three lots. A tender has been opened to
overhaul a section from Marabda to Tetritskaro. About 30 kilometers
of railway needs to be repaired. The winner of the tender will deal
with overhaul of this section. This section of the railway must also
be ready for tasks laid down in the draft to ensure large volumes of
traffic in future.

Accordingly, tenders will be opened in early 2010 for overhaul
of other sections up to Akhalkalaki. Akhalkalaki interchangeable
station is being projected at the moment. So, we will announce a
tender for construction of the new station of Akhalkalaki in the
middle of next year.

Q: So, you say everything is going on according to schedule?

A: Yes, everything is going according to schedule. We will complete
the project in the first half of 2012.

Q: In recent months, there were views that Azerbaijan may limit funds
for the construction of its part due to warming of Turkish-Armenian
relations. Are there any grounds for such an assumption?

A: There is no any reason for such statements. Our work is moving
forward in accordance with schedule despite cost of the project
has increased. The prices on building materials rose as soon as the
project began to be implemented. I believe cost of the project will
continue to rise to some extent. This is due mainly to the fact that
reconstruction and overhaul of the previously existing 160-kilometer
stretch requires more funds.

Q: What are your views about political experts’ statements
claiming that this international project may lose significance once
Armenia-Turkey border is opened?

A: All current and future factors were taken into consideration when
the draft and feasibility study of the Baku-Tbilisi-Kars railway
project were developed.

This project is independent of the question whether the border
between Turkey and Armenia will open. This is absolutely independent,
self-sufficient transportation project that will operate very
efficiently. So, opening of borders will not have a negative affect
on economic viability of the project. The construction work will
continue under any circumstances.

Q: You mean the Baku-Tbilisi-Akhalkalaki-Kars can not lose its economic
value after political changes?

A: Yes. Because this project is economically efficient and it will
operate even if the borders with Armenia are opened. Indeed, there are
old Soviet railway of international importance which connect Azerbaijan
to Turkey via Armenia. However, (even excluding all political points)
it will be necessary to overhaul the section in the territory of
Azerbaijan occupied by Armenia in order to make it work.

That is about 200 kilometers of railway, which needs to be fully
overhauled as Armenians have looted infrastructure and almost destroyed
the railroad. Rebuilding 200 km-section will cost more than the project
we are implementing at the moment. It will also take very long time.

Tigranian Ani:
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