Financial Aid For Serbia, Bosnia, Armenia And Georgia


Parlamento Europeo
infopress_page/026-65074-327-11-48-903-20091124IPR 65072-23-11-2009-2009-false/default_it.htm
Nov 24 2009

Parliament gave its backing on Tuesday for 400 million-plus Euro in
budget aid to Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Armenia and Georgia. The
funds are to help these countries to finance their external balances
of payments and state budget deficits.

"Parliament’s swift and decisive action will allow the Council to
adopt decisions on the four operations in the next few days", said
EU Commissioner Sim Kallas in the plenary debate on the day before
the vote.

After the green light from the Council, the four countries will be
entitled to receive from the EU up to: 200 million Euro for Serbia
(in the form of a loan), 100 million Euro for Bosnia and Herzegovina
(loan), 100 million Euro for Armenia (65 million Euro loan, 35 million
Euro grant), and 46 million Euro for Georgia – (grant).

The following reports were adopted on Tuesday:

Vital MOREIRA (S&D, PT) on macro-financial assistance to Georgia:
550 in favour, 55 against, 60 abstentions

Vital MOREIRA (S&D, PT) on macro-financial assistance to Armenia:
580 in favour, 29 against, 55 abstentions

Miloslav RANSDORF (GUE/NGL, CZ) on macro-financial assistance to
Serbia: 583 in favour, 23 against, 58 abstentions

Iuliu WINKLER (EPP, RO) on macro-financial assistance to Bosnia and
Herzegovina: 583 in favour, 23 against and 56 abstentions.