RA Foreign Minister Arrives In Japan On Official Visit


Noyan Tapan
Nov 26, 2009

TOKYO, NOVEMBER 26, NOYAN TAPAN. RA Foreign Minister Edward Nalbandian
arrived in Japan on an official visit on November 25. His first
meeting was with parliament Speaker of Japan Takahiro Yokomichi. The
latter expressed the hope that RA Foreign Minister’s visit to Tokyo
will give a new spirit to development of Armenia-Japan relations.

E. Nalbandian, in his turn, said that Armenia attaches much importance
to strengthening and expansion of comprehensive relations with one
of the leading countries of the world, Japan, and his visit’s main
goal is to discuss the development ways of cooperation.

Issues related to promotion of cooperation between the two countries’
parliaments were touched upon at the meeting of the parliament
Speaker of Japan and RA Foreign Minister. E. Nalbandian said that a
parliamentary friendship group with Japan has been already formed in
the RA National Assembly and the Armenian side waits for formation
of a corresponding group in Japan’s newly elected parliament for
carrying out cooperation between legislative bodies.

The interlocutors also exchanged thoughts over international issues,
touched upon the problems in the Pacific Ocean and Caucasian regions.

The parliament Speaker of Japan appreciated Armenia’s efforts
aimed at normalizing the relations with Turkey and establishing
peace in the region expressing confidence that normalization of the
relations between Armenia and Turkey will have a positive impact on
the settlement of the Nagorno Karabakh problem.

E. Nalbandian at the meeting with Foreign Minister of Japan Katsuya
Okada held the same day mentioned that development of partnership
with Japan, which plays an important role on the world arena, is
an important direction for Armenia, and he has arrived in Tokyo to
outline the ways of deepening cooperation in various spheres. In that
respect the RA Foreign Minister said that Armenia intends to found
a permanent diplomatic representation in Tokyo.

E. Nalbandian presented the main directions and priorities of Armenia’s
foreign policy to his Japanese counterpart.

The Ministers discussed issues regarding deepening of cooperation at
international organizations, promotion of cooperation in the scientific
and educational spheres, formation of a legal-contractual sphere,
activization of cultural exchanges, facilitation of the entrance
visa regime.

The Nagorno Karabakh settlement process was also touched upon at
the negotiations. E. Nalbandian presented the results of the Munich
meeting between the RA and Azeri Presidents. K. Okada said that Japan
supports the negotiations process going on within the framework of
the Minsk Group and settlement of the problem exclusively peacefully
and in line with the international law principles.

The Foreign Ministers of Armenia and Japan exchanged thoughts over a
number of issues on the regional and international agenda recording
that there are no disagreements between the two countries, on the
contrary, Armenia’s and Japan’s positions in many issues coincide.

K. Okada expressed Japan’s support to steps undertaken in the direction
of normalization of Armenian-Turkish relations and expressed the hope
that the signed protocols will be ratified and fulfilled, which will
promote establishment of peace in the region.

A joint press statement was adopted at the meeting, which read:

"1. RA Foreign Minister Mr Edward Nalbandian visited Japan at the
invitation of the Japanese government on November 25-27 and met
with Foreign Minister of Japan Katsuya Okada on November 25. The
two Ministers discussed a wide range of issues at the meeting,
including international issues of mutual interest, which regard
bilateral relations.

2. The sides stressed the importance of political dialogue and
expansion of economic relations between Japan and Armenia through
revelation and promotion of mutually beneficial initiatives in
various spheres of cooperation. For that purpose the sides decided
to hold regular bilateral consultations between the two countries’
Foreign Ministries to discuss the wide range of issues, including
issues related to bilateral relations and other international issues
of common interest.

3. The sides also touched upon promotion of cooperation between the
two countries’ parliaments.

4. The two sides emphasized the significance of contacts between
the two countries’ business circles, including mutual visits for the
purpose of supporting trade and investments between the two countries,
as well as expressed the hope that the business relations will become
stronger in the future. The Armenian side expressed satisfaction with
Japanese organizations’ activity in Armenia and greeted its expansion.

5. The sides agreed that strengthening of contacts and cultural
exchanges between the two countries’ societies is an important factor
for promoting mutual understanding and decided to expand cooperation
in the sphere of science and education.

6. The Armenian side expressed gratitude for the implementation of
the program Official Development Assistance (ODA) aimed at Armenia’s
economic development, including Japanese ODA’s credit to the programs
United Yerevan Cycle Cogeneration Electric Power Plant, Perfection of
Fire-fighting Equipment in the City of Yerevan and Grant Assistance
to Unprivileged Villagers, which are consistently implemented by Japan.

The Armenian side expressed the hope that the cooperation will

7. The sides exchanged thoughts over the efforts on Nagorno Karabakh
settlement within the framework of the OSCE Minsk Group and expressed
support to conflict’s peaceful settlement based on principles of the
international law, including non-use of force, territorial integrity
and peoples’ self-determination right.

8. The sides exchanged thoughts on the normalization process of
Armenian-Turkish relations. The Japanese side welcomed the efforts
aimed at normalizing the relations between Armenia and Turkey reflected
by the signing of the Armenian-Turkish Protocols on October 10 2009 in
Zurich and emphasized the significance of ratification and fulfillment
of the reached agreements, which will lead to peace and stability in
the region.

9. The sides expressed their expectations on close cooperation at
UN structures and other international organizations to keep the
balanced approach aimed at permanent security, long-lasting peace
and general prosperity in Europe and Asian-Pacific Ocean region. The
sides expressed readiness to work jointly actively to implement quick
reformation of the UN Security Council, including increase of the
number of the UN Security Council permanent and non-permanent members.

In that respect the Armenian side reaffirmed its support to Japan’s
permanent membership to the UN Security Council. The Japanese side,
in its turn, expressed much gratitude for Armenian side’s support."

After the meeting E. Nalbandian and K. Okada exchanged notes on
providing special equipment for repairing Armenian National Gallery’s

According to the RA Foreign Ministry Press and Information Department,
besides the political agenda, E. Nalbandian’s visit to Japan also has
an economic component. The RA Foreign Minister visited Japan External
Trade Organization (JETRO) in Tokyo where he met with organization
Chairman Yasuo Hayashi and discussed possibilities of development of
trade and economic cooperation between the two countries, presented
Armenia’s investment sphere.

Yasuo Hayashi declared that JETRO is interested in establishment
and development of contacts with Armenian partners. An agreement
was reached that the company representative will visit Yerevan to
establish contacts with the Armenian partners and to discuss the
cooperation ways.

RA Foreign Minister’s meeting with crown prince of Japan Narohito,
as well as his speech at the Japanese Institute for International
Relations are scheduled for November 26