BAKU: Azerbaijani People Will Not Accept Defeatist Peace – MP

Nov 26 2009

Panakh Huseyn Azerbaijan’s parliament, the Milli Majlis, today
discussed the latest developments in settling the conflict with
Armenia over Nagorno-Karabakh.

Serious debate is under way at present on the possibility of settling
the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict by force, but at the same time there
is concern that the Madrid proposals are pushing for discussion of
the status of the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh republic, opposition
MP Panakh Huseyn said.

"Nobody will be able to force the Azerbaijani people to accept a
defeatist peace," the Musavat Party MP said.

He urged the authorities not to change course on settling the conflict
within the framework of Azerbaijan’s sovereignty.

Fazil Mustafa, chairman of the Great Creation Party, stressed the need
to involve the political parties in the Karabakh negotiating process.

Zahid Oruj, deputy chairman of the Ana Vatan (Motherland) Party said
everybody should unite around the president and support his decisions
on the Karabakh conflict.

Gudrat Hasanguliyev, chairman of the United Popular Front Party,
protested at media criticism of Azerbaijan’s closeness with Russia.

"Even if Azerbaijan asks, it will not be admitted to NATO. But we
can reach an agreement with Russia, become a member of the Collective
Security Treaty Organization and deploy Russian military bases in our
territory," Hasanguliyev said. "International organizations and states
say that Azerbaijani territories have been occupied, but they do not
recognize Armenia as an aggressor state. Moreover, America helps the
Nagorno-Karabakh separatists and Section 907 has not been repealed."

Mubariz Gurbanli, a member of the ruling New Azerbaijan Party, said
no one should use the Nagorno-Karabakh problem to draw political
dividends. He said that 17,000 of Azerbaijan had been occupied.

He suggested adopting a special law on the occupied territories which
would ban the operation of international organizations there.

Sabir Rustamkhanli, chairman of the Civic Solidarity Party, said that
the Turkish media and public knew more about the Karabakh negotiations
than the Azerbaijani media and public.

"Why do Turkish parliamentarians know more about the negotiations?" he