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BAKU: Zurab Noghaideli: The Regional Security Architecture Should Be


Nov 26 2009

Moscow. Roman Agayev – APA. APA’s exclusive interview with former
Prime Minister of Georgia, leader of opposition party, "Movement for
Fair Georgia" Zurab Noghaideli

-Traditionally, there has been friendship, peaceful neighborhood
between Azerbaijan and Georgia, and these relations are continuing.

How do you assess the present state of the relations between the
two countries?

-No doubt, Azerbaijan-Georgia relations will improve and strengthen.

Unfortunately, there are a number of problems in these relations,
though at first sight they seem to be positive. Tomorrow there will
be real strategic relations between our countries. Speaking of the
problems in Azerbaijan-Georgia relations, I mean Mikhail Saakashvili
led Georgia to war and destroyed the regional security architecture.

This architecture should be reestablished.

-Do the problems in the relations between the two countries also
include the problems of the Azerbaijanis living in Georgia?

-Like other nations, the Azerbaijanis living in Georgia also share out
problems and achievements. Speaking about the problems I mean that
the August happenings destroyed the regional security, it should be
reestablished. Georgia-Azerbaijan relations should always be on good
level. These relations will be on high level when we come to power.

-The regional security architecture was destroyed not only by last
year’s war, but much earlier – it was destroyed as a result of
Armenia’s aggression against Azerbaijan that is still going on…

– Certainly. I agree with you. Speaking of the security architecture
of the Caucasus I did not mean that at present it is ideal. Of course,
security architecture was destroyed because of a number of reasons,
including Armenia-Azerbaijan conflict. There are a number of unsolved
problems in the South Caucasus. I think we should strengthen our
efforts to solve these problems. It is impossible to establish
transparent, stable security architecture in the Caucasus unless
these problems are solved fully. I am glad that Armenia and Azerbaijan
continue negotiations on the settlement of Nagorno Karabakh conflict.

Unfortunately, the process of settlement is going slowly, but it
should be noted that there are promising signs in this process.

Kanayan Tamar:
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