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NKR: Prime Minister Encourages Activity Of American Armenians Commun


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
November 21, 2009

On November 20, the Prime Minister Ara Haroutytunyan visited central
offices of the "Boston Globe" and "Motherland" daily papers and met
with journalists.

At the meeting issues of Azerbaijani-Karabakh conflict settlement,
the development of Armenian-Turkish relations, and of socio-economic
situation of the NKR were touched upon.

The same day, the Prime Minister visited the central office of the
Armenian Assistance Union, and had a meeting with leadership of the
organization headed by Maida Melkonyan, Chief of Central Department.

Heads of Canadian and Californian brunches of the Armenian Assistance
Union, as well participated in the meeting through TV Bridge.

Ara Haroutynyan highly appreciated consequent and patriotic activity
and the role of the organization in the deal of pre-school system
development in Artsakh and expressed confidence that the AAU will
continue to expand its activity in the NKR.

Special place was attached to discussion of cooperation opportunities
in the healthcare system.

* * *

On November 20, in honour of our delegation a dinner was organized
in which more than fifty representatives of the Armenian community
took part.

During the arrangement, Ara Haroutyunyan had awarded Raffi Pstkchyan,
Director of the USA Eastern Coast "Hayastan" All-Armenian Fund with
the NKR Prime Minister’s Memorable Medal.

Spiritual Leader of Artsakh Diocese Archbishop Paregev Martirosyan,
Head of the Chief Informational Department of the NKR President’s
Staff Davit Babayan, and Permanent Representative of the NKR in the
USA Robert Avetisyan were present at the meetings.

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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