Republican Becomes A Burden

James Hakobyan

The fact that the Republican Party became the bearer of the best
traditions of the Soviet Communist Party is not news. Doubtlessly,
alongside with these best traditions, RP bears new traditions,
from the point that besides bureaucratic traditions, the Republican
bears also criminal-oligarchic traditions. These traditions regularly
replace each other during the period of activities of the party. Now
it seems to be the period of soviet traditions as applications to
join the Republican Party are accepted.

Such a phase was registered in the summer of 2006 when Serge Sargsyan
became a member of the Republican Party and later the head of the board
of the party and a number of other figures joined the party and became
members of the board those who represented the Armenian oligopoly
system. In addition, their role in the Republican immediately increased
and they became a counterbalance for the co-called Margaryan wing.

The Margaryan wing bore all this because the party was going to run
in the 2007 parliamentary election which was considered a springboard
of presidential election. The joining of Serge Sargsyan and his team
to the party was considered a guarantee of its victory.

Now it seems to also be a phase of collective joining. But the
forthcoming election seems to be only in two years. Which is the
reason why the Republican accepts new members two years before the
election? Is Tigran Sargsyan with his team the guarantee for the
Republican success like in 2006 it was Serge Sargsyan with his team?

Maybe Serge Sargsyan and his team were more trained and readier,
because of which they joined the party only one year before
the election because there did not need or did not have time to
get prepared. Tigran Sargsyan and his team are not so prepared in
political processes and they need much time to get ready to secure
the Republican victory this is why they join the party two years and
several months before the election.

But the Republican is possible to get ready for extraordinary
elections. Nevertheless, when Serge Sargsyan and his team were
considered guarantees for the Republican victory everything was
understandable considering the situation in Armenia. But when Tigran
Sargsyan and his team are considered such one, the situation becomes
a little doubtful. First, Serge Sargsyan and his team are still in
the Republican Party consequently, they can still be a guarantee for
the Republican success. What is the need to bring Tigran Sargsyan
and his team too? Besides, Tigran Sargsyan’s team does not enjoy
the trust of the oligopoly system and neither the society. Another
question is that Sargsyan manages to change fully the oligopoly system
showing to the society that he not only speaks but also acts. Will he
succeed? If Serge Sargsyan assists him, he may succeed. But in this
case, by making Tigran Sargsyan a Republican member, Serge Sargsyan
in fact acts against the Republican party. And if he makes Tigran
Sargsyan a Republican member but does not help him, he can swallow
Tigran Sargsyan, Tigran Davtyan, Nerses Yeritsyan and the others in
one second.

Either the Republican Party or Tigran Sargsyan come out to be
swallowed. Both together are also possible to be swallowed. In
other words, both will be engaged in swallowing each other creating
possibilities for Serge Sargsyan to be engaged in the hard work of
setting up another governmental force because the Republican Party
is evident to become a governmental burden from a governmental
force. For Serge Sargsyan who has many links with abroad, this has
to be already clear.

From: Emil Lazarian | Ararat NewsPress

Emil Lazarian

“I should like to see any power of the world destroy this race, this small tribe of unimportant people, whose wars have all been fought and lost, whose structures have crumbled, literature is unread, music is unheard, and prayers are no more answered. Go ahead, destroy Armenia . See if you can do it. Send them into the desert without bread or water. Burn their homes and churches. Then see if they will not laugh, sing and pray again. For when two of them meet anywhere in the world, see if they will not create a New Armenia.” - WS