RA Embassy clarifies information about Armenian citizens

news.am, Armenia
Nov 28 2009

RA Embassy clarifies information about Armenian citizens

13:45 / 11/28/2009RA Embassy in Russia is currently clarifying whether
there were Armenian citizens among victims and injured in Nevsky
express derailed train, RA Embassy press secretary Gevorg Minasyan
informed NEWS.am Nov. 28. `The lists of victims and hospitalized are
presently clarified, we will have precise information shortly,’ said

The train was carrying 682 people, of which 661 passengers and 21 crew
members. There were passengers with Armenian surnames ‘ Dertsakyan,
Babayan, Myasnikov, Tomasov and Georgian ‘ Gognadze, Bochorashvili,
Khubutia. It is unclear yet whether the mentioned passengers were
injured, their citizenship is being clarified. Italian Sbalzarini and
Hindu Rajesh were among the passengers as well.

November 27, 2009 at 9:30 p.m. Moscow time a train derailment killed
30 passengers and wounded 90 others in Novgorod Region, Russia. Four
cars of Nevsky express train travelling from Moscow to St. Petersburg
derailed near the village of Uglovka. The health state of half of the
injured is esteemed as grave. 18 are still unaccounted for.