NKR: The Statement of National Assembly of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic


Azat Artsakh Newspaper NKR
Published on November 27, 2009

The last developments noticing in the process of Karabakh settlement
testify about obvious manifestations of not construction position of
Azerbaijan. By using various preaching means, azeri authorities
cherish illusions about their displeasure from continuous discussions
by international mediation, whereas in real policy this country delays
the time unhiddenly with a view to change the region’s army political
balance in its favour by means of unleashing new war against Artsakh
in future. In this situation Artsakh’s Parliament defines the public
statements of high-ranking officials of Azerbaijan as a position of
hopeless negotiating side, which is fraught with perspective of losing
Karabakhian side’s confidence against peace regulation. The
authorities of Nagorno-Karabakh Republic have warned many times
international organizations about warlike foreign policy of azeri
authorities, which contradicts fully the assumed obligations of this
country entering into international organizations. All this is
accompanied by consistent preaching about tension noticing as if in
the contact line of NKR and Azeri armed forces, which speaks about
intentions of official Baku of bringing down the negotiating process
and breaking the regional stability. NKR National Assembly draws the
attention of OSCE MG Co-chairs, negotiator countries’ parliaments,
parliamentary congresses of OSCE and Europe’s Council,
interparliamentary congress of CIC on danger of the above-mentioned
tendencies. For substituting the essence of Karabakh conflict and
negotiations by Azerbaijan, the steps cast doubt on the effenciency of
all the efforts made for the purpose of establishing peace and safety
by international community in the region of South Caucasus.
Proceeding from the above-mentioned, National Assembly of
Nagorno-Karabakh Republic, taking account of people’s will of Artsakh,
preserves for itself the right of acting by adequate initiatives.
National Assembly suggests the NKR Ministry of Foreign Affairs to
inform about such Statement at the coming session of OCSE Secretaries
Council in Athens. November 25,2009, t.Stepanakert