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Sargsyan: Current Stage Of Karabakh Settlement Gives Hope For Its De


Nov 30, 2009

YEREVAN, November 30. / ARKA /. The current phase of the Karabakh
settlement offers hope to reach its decision within a reasonable time,
President of Armenia, Chairman of the Republican Party of Armenia
Serzh Sargsyan said on Saturday.

"It is clear to any sensible person that a conflict resolution is an
extremely complex process, and the decision could take years. However,
the current stage of the hope promises that within a reasonable time
this may be taken to its logical end," Serzh Sargsyan said at the
congress of the RPA.

As the president believes, unequivocally, that conflicts are long-term
and stable solution only if based on fair and reasonable concessions.

"Gone are the days of colonization of the peoples living on their own
land. We have publicly stated that the Karabakh settlement should
be based on the decision and the will of the people of Karabakh,
as a society, reflecting the common will. Only in this case, the
solution can be productive, long-term, achievable, and peaceful,
" Sargsyan said.

According to the head of state, in this case all parties of the
Karabakh conflict an agreement should be reached around a single
package that will contain all matters and all internationally enshrined
mechanisms that provide a solution to this conflict.

The beginning of the Karabakh conflict was settled in 1988, following
a statement to withdraw from Azerbaijan by the predominantly
Armenian-populated Nagorno-Karabakh. On December 10, 1991 there was
held a referendum in Nagorno-Karabakh, in which 99.89% voted for full
independence from Azerbaijan.

Following that Azerbaijan initiated large-scale war fares that led
to a loss of control not only over Nagorno-Karabakh but also seven
adjacent districts.

>From 12th of May of 1994, after the entry of the tripartite agreement
on truce in the conflict zone hostilities, in which around 25-30
thousand people were killed from both sides and nearly 1 million were
forced to flee their homes, were ceased.

The agreement on the establishment of the ceasefire has been followed
until now. From 1992 to date, negotiations are being held for a
peaceful settlement of the conflict within the OSCE Minsk Group
co-chaired by the United States, Russia and France.

Badalian Vardan:
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