Categories: News

Tigran Sargsyan: We Intend To Tighten Control And Use Stricter Measu


Noyan Tapan
Dec 1, 2009

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 1, NOYAN TAPAN. Armenian Prime Minister Tigran
Sargsyan on December 1 visited Original Distillery Company, a vodka
distillery. The RA Government Information and PR Department reports
that the purpose of the visit was to assess the implementation of the
prime minister’s instructions on efficient activities of importers
and suppliers and on promotion of the domestic production.

After touring the company, T. Sargsyan answered the questions of
reporters. In particular, he said:

"I should note with satisfaction that our meeting with importers in
February has produced positive results. Particularly, this production
which has been organized over the past 4 months is a response of
importers to the government’s appeal. It is of great importance.

First, we are reducing vodka imports and organizing our own production:
80 jobs have been created, and the distillery will expand, with the
number of jobs reaching 200. Secondly, ensuring competitiveness in the
market will help improve the quality of vodka made in Armenia, which
is essential as the matter concerns our citizens’ health. Thirdly,
the company is going to export its products to neighboring countries,
also to Russia and Ukraine, which means that the quality of our vodka
must be high so that we can successfully compete with famous Russian
and Ukrainian brands".

In response to a reporter’s question about the government steps
against cases of copying foreign brands by domestic producers, the
prime minister said: "The RA State Commission for the Protection of
Economic Competition has received such alarm calls. A new strategy
is being developed. It envisages more active work of the commission
on the one hand, and new legislative initiatives on the other hand –
in order to allow the commission to use penalties in case of abuse
and also to take preventive measures so as to discourage people from
selling their low-quality products by deception, that is, by pretending
that they sell famous brands. This is an inadmissible and dangerous
phenomenon, an example of abuse at the expense of the people. We
intend to tighten control and use stricter measures to prevent abuse".

Kalashian Nyrie:
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