Hay Tad Honours Its Worthy Son


Dec 09

Alexander-Michael Hadjilyra – In a celebratory ceremony, Speaker of
the House, Marios Garoyian, was honoured by the Armenian National
Committee of Cyprus as the "Personality of the Year 2009" for his
valuable services to the Armenian-Cypriot community and the Armenian
Question. This memorable ceremony took place at Latsia Municipal
Theatre last Friday night, 27 November 2009, in the presence of a
large number of officials and guests.

Opening remarks were made by Vahan Aynedjian, who spoke about
the history of the "Personality of the Year" award and the
personal/political connection the ANC has with Garoyian, whom he
called "yeghpayr". ANC Cyprus Chairman Hagop Manougian spoke of the
tragic history of the Armenian people that led to the formation of
the worldwide network of Armenian National Committees, pursuing the
restoration of the rights of the Armenian people and the recognition
of the Armenian Genocide.

Soprano Sona Gargaloyian and pianist Lilian Khatchadrian continued with
two beautiful songs, which were followed by a PowerPoint presentation
on the life of The Hay Tad Personality of 2009, Marios Garoyian.

Megerditch Megerditchian – member of ARF Dashnaktsoutiun’s Political
Bureau – addressed us, saying that Cyprus and Armenia are faced with
the same menace, Turkey, which, despite the violations of so many
principles of International Law, is assigned by the great powers
more and more tasks, because of its geostrategic location; therefore,
he said, the collaboration between our countries is imperative.

Accepting the prize – from ARF Dashnaktsoutiun Cyprus Representative
Hagop Kazandjian – Marios Garoyian thanked the Armenian National
Committee of Cyprus, and spoke on a personal and a political level,
reminiscing the trauma Turkey caused his generation, calling the
struggle with Turkey a historical obligation and a debt to our
ancestors. He declared himself committed to serve the Hay Tad and
the Armenian-Cypriot community.

The ceremony was completed, with a rich cultural programme by the
"Sipan" Dance Ensemble of the Hamazkayin Cultural Association,
followed by a reception, where Garoyian received the congratulations
of the attendees.
