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Observational Doc on Armenian Genocide Denial Screened at U London

Ani Sounds limited,
Ealing Studios, London

Contact person: yolanda@anisounds.com

1 Dec. 2009

Observational Documentary on Armenian Genocide Denial Screened at
University of London

By Yolanda Andrews

LONDON: 27 November 2009. A feature length observational documentary by
Gagik Karagheuzian on the denial of the Armenian genocide titled `The
Blue Book’ was the focus of discussion amongst fascinated film
students, human rights activists and journalists at the Hitchcock
Theatre at Queen Mary College (University of London). "I have never seen
anything like it," said Dr. Atlana. "This is such a powerful
documentary. It really has opened my eyes to the denial of genocide

The story of Karagheuzian’s observational documentary film started in
2005, when the Turkish parliament sent a petition to British
parliamentarians, accusing the latter of fabricating the Armenian
genocide thesis. The Turkish accusation maintained that there are no
creditable sources related to the Armenian genocide, and that the whole
issue was fabricated by British propagandists in a 1916 British
parliamentary blue book "The Treatment of Armenians in the Ottoman
Empire 1915-16."

"I heard about this thesis from Ara [Sarafian], who is a foremost expert
on the 1916 blue book," said Karagheuzian. "When he told me that he was
working with British parliamentarians to respond to the Turkish
petition, I asked to follow him to make an observational documentary."

The blue book issue grew into one of major proportions over the next
four years, as a group of British parliamentarians responded to the
Turkish petition and twice invited their Turkish colleagues to a
discussion. No Turkish parliamentarian accepted the invitation.

Throughout the film, Sarafian talks of the denial of the Armenian
genocide. He explains the use of the term denial as `the deliberate
non-engagement with pertinent records related to a given subject
matter’. In the case of the blue book, some of these pertinent records
are held in the British National Archives, where the original of the
Blue Book can still be found. (The Turkish parliamentarians simply
insist that such records do not exist). The documentary also identifies
the United States as the main source of information for the British in
1915-16 about the genocide of the Armenians.

Lord Avebury figures prominently throughout the film, as he works with
Sarafian in addressing the blue book issue in a systematic manner. The
friendship between the two is also touching in what is otherwise a
harsh, fast-paced, and sometimes upsetting situation.

The central figure in the denial of the Armenian genocide is Sukru
Elekdag, a former Turkish ambassador to the United States, currently a
member of the Turkish Parliament, and a longstanding anti-Armenian
activist. According to Sarafian, Elekdag has led his fellow Turkish
parliamentarians and their advisers into an intellectual quagmire.
"Turkish parliamentarians are actually in an untenable position" says
Sarafian. "We are witnessing the end-game of an exemplary case of
genocide denial." This Turkish position will surely rank as one of
Elekdag’s greatest blunders.

To make this film, Karagheuzian followed Sarafian on lecture and field
trips, discussing the blue book in Istanbul, Ankara and Harput.
TheIstanbul discussions included an international conference, contacts
with Turkish academics and the press, as well as a Turkish television
talk show. The documentary ends with the Ankara launch of a Turkish
translation of the blue book. "We have returned the denial of the blue
book issue to where it belongs" says Sarafian. "The problem with this
work does not rest in London, but in Ankara."

In the question and answer session following the film, Karagheuzian
discussed the difficulties of making such an observational documentary,
especially with unpredictable moments and a fast pace. Nevertheless, as
the documentary shows, Karageuzian managed to capture key moments on
film, making `The Blue Book’ a compelling, insightful and timely

For further information about "The Blue Book" please contact

Vardanian Garo:
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