Categories: News

Azerbaijani Media Can’t Tell Aghdam From Fisouli


18:58 03/12/2009

Azerbaijani media are so much taken by information falsifications
in any reports over Azerbaijan, Armenia or NKR, that they even fail
noticing what mutually exclusive information they publish not only
in the successive news line but also in one article. Evidently,
Azerbaijani news agencies think, their readers are so much absorbed
in the propaganda, that they will fail noticing this.

For example, Bakililar.az, reporting on the OSCE monitoring conducted
in the contact line of NKR and Azerbaijani armed forces today, writes:
"no incidents occurred during the monitoring." The phrase "on duty"
comes further as the article says the Armenian party fired the
Azerbaijani positions in the directions of Aghdam and Martouni.

Obviously, the agency reporters thought it not enough and in the
next article they changed the "front fired." Martouni direction was
substituted for Fisouli. A question arises: what about the fire in
the direction of Aghdam and what about the OSCE monitoring without
any incidents?

One may only assume that the Azerbaijani media representatives are
not at all aware where the directions mentioned are situated, though,
every morning, except Sundays, they report on "firings", sometimes
not even making efforts to change the text.

Hambardsumian Paul:
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