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BAKU: OSCE Ministers Urge Karabakh Settlement


Dec 3 2009

OSCE OSCE foreign ministers have made a statement welcoming the
positive dynamic in the Nagorno-Karabakh peace process.

The statement was adopted at the Organization for Security and
Cooperation in Europe’s Ministerial Council meeting in Athens on
2 December.

The foreign ministers of all the OSCE countries expressed their
support for the Minsk Group which is trying to mediate a settlement
to the conflict.

The statement said, "We welcome the joint statement of 1 December
of Foreign Minister Lavrov, Foreign Minister Kouchner and Deputy
Secretary Steinberg of the Minsk Group co-chair countries and the
Azerbaijani foreign minister, Mammadyarov, and Armenian foreign
minister, Nalbandyan. We urge the parties to sustain the positive
dynamic of the negotiations and strongly support their commitment
to finalize the Basic Principles on the peaceful settlement of the
Nagorno-Karabakh conflict, based on the Madrid Document in order
to begin drafting a comprehensive peace agreement in good faith and
without delay.

"The ministers reaffirmed their commitment to work intensively
to resolve the remaining issues, to reach an agreement based, in
particular, upon the principles of the Helsinki Final Act of Non-Use
of Force or Threat of Force, Territorial Integrity, and the Equal
Rights and Self-Determination of Peoples. We are convinced there
is today a real opportunity to build a future of peace, stability,
and prosperity for the entire region."

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