Only 9 Percent Of The Invalids Is Working


Dec 3 2009

There are around 650 million invalids in the whole world today of
which 177 thousand are in Armenia. The number of the invalids is
increasing day by day in Armenia.

As Jemma Baghdasaryan the Deputy Minister of Labor and Social Affairs
of the Republic of Armenia mentioned on January 1, 2009 there were
170 000 invalids in Armenia, on June 1 there number reached 175 000
and on October 1 there were already 177 000.

With the growing number of the invalids grows also the problems of
the being occupied. J. Baghdasaryan mentioned that today some of the
employees already realize that it is more important to see what the
man can do and not "what he can’t do".

"It will give an opportunity to work and to receive education. Our
employees should realize that the invalid people too can be good
workers", – he said adding that all the employees who have given work
to the invalids are always satisfied with their work.

Laylee Moshiri the coordinator of the UNO mentioned that it’s time to
resume the respect towards every person’s dignity. "All the people
have not only rights but also duties, to realize the general rights
of the people, and the invalids in that number."

Only 9% of 177 000 invalids is working in Armenia today.