Baku: Positive Dynamics Observed At Talks On Nagorno-Karabakh Confli


Dec 4 2009

Azerbaijani President’s Office international relations department
head Novruz Mammadov spoke in an interview with several Azerbaijani
media outlets.

Q.: How do you assess the last Munich Meeting of Azerbaijani and
Armenian Presidents, as well as the Athens negotiations?

A.: The Munich meeting between the Azerbaijani and Armenian presidents
became the sixth one held between the presidents of two countries in
2009. It testifies the intensification of the negotiation process.

In general, the Azerbaijani president has presented a concrete and
principled position on the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict since early 2009.

He drew attention of major countries such as the USA, Russia
and other countries to the importance and urgency of solving the
Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict. It is the important process.

As it is known, some processes have occurred in the region. The
President has presented a specific position during the numerous
meetings and contacts with the heads of leading countries since early
2009. As a result, this negotiation process has become more intense.

On the other hand, the process of opening the Armenian-Turkish border
played a role of a special catalyst in the positive sense.

If the international community and the great powers pay such attention
to the Caucasus and make efforts to restore security in the region,
solving the Armenian-Azerbaijani conflict is the issue of top
priority. The rest issues are secondary.

The Azerbaijani President has recently made important statements on
the nature and course of the conflict resolution. These statements
alarmed the Armenian leadership, but on the other side drew attention
of the big countries towards the conflict, and played an important
role in intensifying the negotiating process.

>>From this point of view, comments concerning the entire process
were given at the last presidential meeting in Munich and at the
recent OSCE Ministerial Council Meeting in Athens. The fact is that
a positive dynamics is observed at the talks.

There were other different statements too. Even Foreign Minister
of France Bernard Kouchner said under the present circumstances
a framework agreement might be signed. This is a very optimistic
statement. I approach such statements a little carefully, as I always
observe hypocritical, insidious position of Armenian leaders, have
seen in the negotiations held within 10-15 years, know that they are
not principled in their positions, express a certain position in one
meeting and backtrack on their position in another meeting.

In addition, I want to mention two factors that assume great
importance. First: Azerbaijani President makes all his efforts, takes
all steps for the solution to the conflict. The main fact attracting
attention is that since the beginning of the year, important statements
have been made by the U.S. President Barack Obama, Secretary of State
Hillary Clinton, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov, French Foreign
Minister Bernard Kouchner and President Nicolas Sarkozy. They witnessed
that the issue of opening the Turkish-Armenian border, which is solved
with the help of the great powers, stumbles over the Karabakh problem.

Turkish Prime Minister once again mentioned the relationship between
the normalization of relations with Armenia and the Karabakh issue.

The Athens summit summed up all these processes and determined
the final position. The continuation of positive dynamics in
the negotiation process for full settlement of the conflict was
particularly noted.

Q: Co-Chairmen say that the conflict must be resolved on the basis
of the basic principles within the territorial integrity of Azerbaijan.

Has this moment been negotiated?

A: In the negotiation process one of the important points is to
persuade the Armenian leadership of this issue, and the co-chairmen
and the great powers, who recognize the territorial integrity of
Azerbaijan, agree with this.

The broad autonomy to Nagorno-Karabakh must be provided within the
territorial integrity of Azerbaijan, and the Armenian and Azerbaijani
communities living together in Nagorno-Karabakh can themselves
formulate its status.

At certain stages, the Armenians agree with this, but later again
change their opinion, because Armenia does not have a stable government
that would rely on the strength of the people.

The history has shown that attempts have been made in Armenia to
resolve the conflict, but they failed.

Q: The year comes to end, are some progress expected in resolving
the conflict next year?

A: I think that this positive dynamics must continue. For already 10-15
years, the co-chairmen have been working to resolve this conflict and
they themselves well see that their efforts yield no results, but it
is impossible to withstand this for a long time, there must be results.

The co-chairmen understand that this can not continue for long. Over
the years, we have not been closer to solving the conflict. At the
same time, the states they represent understand that as states being
interested in the region, they should make greater efforts to restore
security here.

This conflict can never be considered as a secondary issue. This is
the number one problem in the region. The solution to this conflict is
important both for Armenia and Azerbaijan, as well as for big powers
such as Russia, USA, etc.

The failure to resolve the conflict causes more harms to the strategic
interests of these states. The positive dynamics must continue in 2010,
and it is important for Azerbaijan and for the region as a whole,
including big countries. It is impossible to think that this problem
is only of two countries.

Q: Yerevan once again raises the question of involvement of the
Armenian community of Nagorno-Karabakh in the negotiation process.

What do you think about this?

A: From time to time, the leadership of Armenia takes a position
of political speculation. Any statement by the head of state or the
foreign minister is responsible. Many states support the territorial
integrity and sovereignty of Azerbaijan, but not always they follow
their words and do not take the necessary steps, otherwise the problem
would be solved long ago. Using it, Armenia always has a reserve
position. It has already happened in the negotiation process. The
question of involvement of the Armenian community in the negotiation
process is one of the reserve options of Armenia, which they sometimes
use. Until now, the co-chairmen and the OSCE have repeatedly stated
that in this conflict there are two sides – Armenia and Azerbaijan.

And the Armenian and Azerbaijani communities can be involved in the
negotiation process closer to the final. Azerbaijan also follows this
opinion and stands on its position.

Q: Does international community put pressure on Azerbaijan?

A: No-one pressures on Azerbaijan. This comes from the fact that
Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev showed the world that he is the
president of an independent state and obtained his mandate from the
people, and it is clearly seen in our current position. The position
of the West with regards to Azerbaijan formed not yesterday.

There is not and can not be any pressure on the President of