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Shirak Torosyan: Armenian-Georgian Relations To Benefit From Armenia

Nvard Davtyan

04.12.2009 13:38

"The normalization of the Armenian-Turkish relations will have a direct
influence on the Armenian-Georgian relations," member of the Republican
faction of the National Assembly of Armenia, President of the Javakhk
Patriotic Union Shirak Torosyan told a press conference today.

"Using their privilege of being a transit country, the Georgian
authorities have been implementing a discriminatory policy towards
Armenian and the Armenians of Javakhk," Shirak Torosyan said and
added that "equal partnership relations will be established between
Armenia and Georgia, the friendship will be real, the problems of
Javakhk will be solved."

"After having an alternative access to the outer world, Armenia
will considerably stiffen its position and will demand from the
Georgian authorities to solve the problems of Javakhk Armenians,"
Shirak Torosyan said.

"The Georgian economy will also considerably benefit from real
partnership relations. International investors are not interested
in Armenia, Georgia or Azerbaijan separately. Despite the political
disputes the international community views the South Caucasus as one
united region. All the countries will benefit when it really becomes
a united economic region. International investors will start investing
in the South Caucasus," he noted.

Tatoyan Vazgen:
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