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That Who Russia Supports Will Win In Possible War, Says Analyst



Many analysts believe that the Armenian-Turkish process has a Western
or American origin, while at the same time, it’s incomprehensible
why the West has ignored Azerbaijan, said political observer Ramaz
Sakvarelidze in an interview with Georgian paper Kviris Palitra.

"They will return Armenia to the Western arena, while for that reason,
Azerbaijan will remain under the influence of Russia. This reminds me
of a Georgian saying, ‘goat buyer, goat seller’," stated Sakvarelidze.

In the political observer’s words, the Caucasus will always remain
split: "Azerbaijan has already let us know many times that it’s
possible for the country to move north, and it has already taken a
few steps in that direction."

On the subject of the bellicose statements coming from Baku earlier,
the Georgian analyst noted that that who will win during military
conflict in this region will be that who Russia supports. "It’s
possible that the conflict between Azerbaijan and Armenia originated
on that very same land, while Russia, as it’s known, doesn’t play
‘losing’ games, bringing out the conflicting sides against each other,
[and] if needed, it [Russia] will supply both sides with weapons and
consultants, while only it [Russia] will be the winner. In this way,
it cannot be excluded that events will develop in just such a way."

The development of such events, according to Sakvarelidze, is very
advantageous for Russia, "since that will be a project failure such
like it was with Nabucco [gas pipeline project], while in this case,
nothing will hinder Russia’s monopoly."

Sakvarelidze also announced that if Caucasus becomes closed as a
transit corridor, then Europe’s only energy source will be Russia.

"That will place all of Europe’s countries’ dependence on Russia,
which, in turn, will become a reason for NATO’s split," concluded
the political analyst.

Dabaghian Diana:
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