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ANKARA: Turkey will decide future of protocols only after Armenia…

Turkey will decide future of protocols only after Armenia fulfills
Turkey’s requirements: Turkish MP

04 December 2009 [13:28] – Today.Az

Day.Az interview with Mustafa Kabakci, member of Turkey’s National
Grand Assembly (parliament) from the ruling Justice and Development
Party and head of the Turkey-Azerbaijan parliamentary group.

Day.Az: What do you expect from the meeting between Turkish Prime
Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan and U.S. President Barack Obama to take
place in early December?

Mustafa Kabakci: This will be a meeting between president of a world
super power with prime minister of a regional super power. The meeting
will focus on ongoing processes in the world and region and a role
Turkey has in these processes.

Our region is the most restless and hot spot in the world. Turkey is
not only a geographical but also political, cultural and military
bridge between East and West. The United States is very well aware of
Turkey’s importance. The U.S. leadership understands that it would be
too difficult to solve regional problems without Turkey’s involvement.
Washington was once more convinced of Turkey’s importance during the
Iraqi process. The parties are most likely to discuss all issues
related to our region at the coming meeting.

What concrete outcome discussions over the Turkey-Armenia relations
and Karabakh conflict may have?

Resolving the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict and issues related to Armenia
are a top priority for Turkey. These issues have recently begun to
acquire a serious shape. Obama’s visit to Turkey helped these
processes to get out of the stagnation. We will certainly learn about
further development of these processes after the meeting between
Erdogan and Obama.

It is easy to predict what will Turkish prime minister tell to Obama.
Erdogan has previously stated that establishing relations between
Turkey and Armenia depends on the Karabakh problem. Our government
does not separate these two questions from each other. The prime
minister will probably tell Obama once again that peace in the region
primarily depends on resolution of the Karabakh problem and Armenia’s
current position will make no contribution to the conflict’s fair

The media reports that the U.S. puts pressure on Turkey to ratify the
Turkish-Armenian protocols. The Armenian press claims that Obama will
do the same during his meeting with Erdogan…

No one can order the Turkish parliament to ratify the protocols.
Turkey is a strong regional power. We will not allow anyone to dictate
terms to us. Any pressure on Turkey is doomed to failure. Turkish
parliament will do nothing contrary to interests of the Turkish people
under pressure. On my own behalf I can say that the protocols are not
expected to be discussed or ratified today. I do not believe these
protocols will be ratified until Armenia fulfills Turkey’s

Above all, we require liberation of Azerbaijan’s occupied territories.
We will decide future of these protocols only after Armenians fulfills
this requirement. Turkey does not form its policy on basis of outside
orders. We pursue our own policy that we deem to be expedient. Under
this policy, we can not make friends with enemy of our brother. We can
not establish good neighborly relations with a neighbor while it is at
a war with our brother.

Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan says that establishment of relations
with Turkey will not force Armenia to abandon its so-called "genocide"
claims. Armenians argue that Barack Obama will officially recognize
the "Armenian genocide" on April 24. Do you think Turkish prime
minister will discuss this issue with the U.S. president?

The Republic of Turkey has committed no "genocide" against anyone and
is not obliged to justify itself before Armenians’ false accusations.
Armenians blackmail Turkey by their "genocide’ claims. We openly
declare that we can not be friends of those who call us murderers and
accuse us of mass killings. So, the demand of the U.S., or someone
else do not change anything.

Following a thaw in Turkish-Armenian relations, Armenia toughened its
stance in the negotiations on the resolution of the Nagorno-Karabakh
conflict …

Turkish officials have made it clear for Armenia that relations
between Turkey and Azerbaijan are not of neighborly, but brotherly
nature. Karabakh problem is a problem not only of Azerbaijan but also
that of Turkey. Enemies of Azerbaijan are also enemies of Turkey. As
in other matters, we will hold the same position with Azerbaijan in
the Karabakh issue, too. We will do nothing contrary to Azerbaijan’s

In fact, Armenia is jealous of unlimited brotherhood between Turkey
and Azerbaijan. Armenia should also know that the Karabakh conflict
paralyzes not only Armenia and Azerbaijan, but also the entire region.
It impedes development and cooperation in the region. We wanted to
show the world that once Armenia withdraws from occupied Azerbaijani
territories, we are even ready to help it to get out of the crisis.

The Turkish government is consulting with Washington on the Armenian
issue. This creates impression that Russia is not involved in the
ongoing processes …

In fact, the Armenian question was put into agenda thanks to the U.S.
and the EU rather than Turkey. As for Russia, it is impossible to
underestimate its regional significance. It is impossible to establish
peace in the Caucasus without Russia’s approval. But Russia can not
ignore Turkey’s role in the region. Moscow is well aware that Turkey
and Azerbaijan play an important role in energy security in the
region. Energy policies of these countries aim at promoting regional
peace and creating an atmosphere of cooperation and regional

We want to explain to Armenia that we can forgive its mistakes and
cooperate with it. It needs only to abandon unfounded claims and agree
to cooperate.

On the other hand, Russia is one of he Turkey’s biggest trade
partners. This partnership impacted also energy security in recent
years. Things constantly change in the world and in Turkey, in
particular. My countryman Mevlana Rumi has a good idea which says that
it is impossible to live life of yesterday. This day is always
different from yesterday. We did not estimate properly importance of
relations with Russia yesterday. Much have changed today. We believe
that Turkey and Russia may establish normal, even friendly relations.
Azerbaijan has a certain role in establishing normal relations between
Russia and Turkey.

Nargizian David:
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