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BAKU: Karabakh process at key stage – peace-building expert

news.az, Azerbaijan
Dec 5 2009

Karabakh process at key stage – peace-building expert
Sat 05 December 2009 | 19:53 GMT Text size:

Dessislava Roussanova Interview with Dessislava Roussanova, project
manager for Eurasia at the peace-building organization, International

How do you assess the recent events on the resolution of the Karabakh conflict?

I did not read the latest Azerbaijani statements after the Athens
meeting, I only saw the declaration that Mr Lavrov read at the end of
the meeting. I think the negotiation process is at an important stage
today. This is a key stage. The declaration by Lavrov is an indicator
of hope that this process will lead to positive trends in the coming
months. The Athens meeting did not produce any concrete result, but
none was expected. The declaration gives us hope that the process will
continue and there will be some progress. Progress in the coming
months will be important for the region.

Azerbaijan is demanding the return of the occupied lands. Is
resumption of war in the region possible if the Armenians do not agree
to return the occupied lands?

I hope Armenia will take some constructive steps in this direction,
because everyone thinks the situation in the region is complex and
tension is escalating. I hope the escalation will not prompt
Azerbaijan to start war. Both parties know that war does not meet
their interests or the interests of the international community, the
EU, Russia and Turkey. I hope there will be no war.

The international community is calling for the opening of the border
between Turkey and Armenia. Why doesn’t the world community call on
Armenia to return the occupied lands? Are double standards being
applied here?

I cannot say these are double standards. These are merely two complex
processes with different types of complexity. The international
community is also demanding that both parties take constructive steps
in settling the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict. They are making equal
efforts to promote both processes. Each process has its own dynamics.
But I do not think that the world community overstates the importance
of one process over another.

Euronews recently showed a film on Karabakh. Why didn’t they allow the
Azerbaijani side to voice its opinion in the film?

I didn’t watch the film but I read about it in the Azerbaijani mass
media. Perhaps this was a biased approach. Journalism in Europe is
sometimes not on a high level. I find it difficult to judge because I
haven’t seen the report. You would be better off asking the channel.
They may be able to answer your question. There are official ways,
there are journalists’ ways. Anyway, I think you can get the answer to
your question about the cause and purpose.

People in Azerbaijan thinks that if these films are shown and the
issue of religion is raised, it means that the West considers the
religious factor important in the Karabakh conflict.

I do not agree with this. I do not think that religion is important
here. Certainly, opinions differ. But if there is an opinion in Europe
that this is a religious conflict and if someone accentuates religion,
these are merely marginal groups, because the religious factor does
not play a role in the Karabakh issue for public opinion and on the
political level in Europe. The religious factor of this conflict has
not been taken into account even in 14 years or after the terror act
of 11 September.

When will the new Azerbaijani-Armenian forum be held and when are you
going to visit Azerbaijan?

I will visit Azerbaijan in January. I do not know anything about the
new Armenian-Azerbaijani forum so far. We will discuss this issue in

1 news.az

Chakhmakhchian Vatche:
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