Categories: News

Let’s Learn The Language Of Soil


Azat Artsakh Newspaper NKR
December 04, 2009

… this is the advice of the highly experienced agronomist In
one of the district centre’s streets we met the merited agronomist
Jury Aramyan. He was returning from the allotment. During our
talk, he expressed dissatisfaction from the youth, finding, that they
didn’t use all their chances of working and had not love towards the
soil. `In this age I am keeping a hotbed, I am trying to be useful for
my country, people and family, but a part of our youth is too lazy to
work’,- he said. He considers very necessary stating the agriculture
as the main branch and realizing development programs in this
direction by the authorities, finding, that for such agrarian country
as NKR, agriculture’s administration must be kept. `In Soviet years
countrymen were robots, who, inspite of working too much with soil,
have not any idea of working out and organizing correctly the care of
plants,- Ju. Aramyan said,- The specialists with finished
prescriptions have organized all the measures at necessary moment,
using countrymen as wholly labor force. For this, when today the owner
remains lonely with soil, doesn’t know his task. For this reason we
have to learn them even putting arsenic’. To our question, what he
suggests for setting the situation right, the agronomist noted. `We
are agrarian country, but our children have not even any idea of soil,
they avoid working with soil. I suggest to lay down the foundation in
school, otherwise, the cart will not move from the place. In the
second turn, it’s necessary to put the preaching car in order, which
doesn’t work well’. To our question, how Ju. Aramyan lives, he
smiled significantly: In Askeran there is no a hungry man, there is
water, soil, he who works, will live, our bread comes from soil. The
agronomist again has advices: `Last years the progress is obvious. As
in Soviet years it has been admited to say, the soil has been given a
countryman. Unfortunately, he does not know what to do with this
wealth. It’s necessary to study the present day owner to work Wheel
tractors don’t justify themselves in Karabakh, especially in
mountinous zones. Caterpillar tractors must be acquired.
Unfortunately, each year we lose much more arable lands, meanwhile,
they must be added year by year. This is the foundation. `It’s
necessary to begin from here’,- he said and directed his steps towards
the nearest croft.

Khoyetsian Rose:
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