New Enemies Of Azerbaijan And Continuation Of Hysteria Around Eurone


2009-12-07 16:43:00

ArmInfo. Azerbaijan’s hysteria around Euronews report on Nagorny
Karabakh continues. In the meantime, poor Baku that has not yet come
back from the reports by Ren TV and Euronews, has got another enemy
i.e. Ukrainian Inter TV.

The film by Ruslan Yermaluk entitled "Nagorny Karabakh – a territory
where time stopped dead" aroused another wave of mass hysteria in
Baku. The film has allegedly "distorted many facts connected with the
history of the Karabakh conflict" and called Shushi an Armenian town,
which is natural. Azerbaijani Embassy in Ukraine has immediately
submitted a note of protest to the Ukrainian party. Letters of
indignant Azerbaijanis calling not to demonstrate such a documentary
were undoubtedly enclosed to the note.

As regards the report by Euronews that has already become legendary,
the mess around it in Azerbaijan is still gathering pace. Azerbaijani
Deputy Foreign Minister notorious for his tendencies and short-sighted
statements has resolved to comment on the given report broadcasted
on Nov 28. He drew a wise conclusion that "Someone at Euronews
intentionally broadcasts the same report for several days,
which testifies to a policy and not poor professional skills
of the journalists of that TV channel." Hysteria displayed by
storm of comments and statements on the topic "ordered", "biased,"
"provocative", "sharp," "audacious" and "one-sided" reports will be
continued today with the action of protest of Azerbaijani students
in front of the Euronew office.

REN TV, Euronews, Inter. To be continued: