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NKR Draft State Budget 2010 In National Assembly


NKR Government Information and
Public Relations Department
December 05, 2009

On December 4, joint session of the NKR National Assembly standing
commissions has taken place.

The issue of official representation of the draft law "On the NKR
State Budget 2010" was on the agenda.

The Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan, members of the Government and
heads of departments participated in the session.

The NA Chairman Ashot Ghoulyan informed that a corresponding schedule
had been affirmed in the parliament in advance, according to which
from December 8-16, preliminary discussions of the Budget draft and
accompanying draft laws will take place in standing commissions,
and groups with participation of authorized representatives of the
executive authority.

In concern with the draft law an information was delivered by the
Vice Prime Minister, Minister of Finance Spartak Tevosyan, who gave a
detailed presentation of macroeconomic indices put in the foundation
of the draft law. In accord with the information, it is proposed
to affirm the NKR State Budget for 2010 with regard to incomes –
55 205 842.0 thousand drams, expenses – 58 846 207.5 thousand drams,
and budgeted deficit will form 3 640 365.5 thousand drams.

The Prime Minister Ara Haroutyunyan also had a speech before the
deputies, emphasizing the principles of the draft law perfecting,
main directions and priorities of the country’s development within
the forthcoming year, and outlines of socio-economic progress.

According to the Premier’s conviction, in 2010 the activity of
the Government will be mainly directed at provision of stable
socio-economic development of the country, concurrently crisis-proof
consecutive policy will be conducted.

At the session, deputies spoke on a number of issues concerning
peculiarities of prior economic policy directions, in response
the Prime Minister and the Minister of Finance came forward with
additional clarifications.

The information was provided by the Press Service of the NKR NA.

Jilavian Emma:
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