Buzand Street: Target For Urban Development Results In One More Fami


17:29 ~U 09.12.09

Today, the Compulsory Enforcement Service (CES) of Court Decrees
attempted to remove the inhabitants of one of the houses on Buzand
Street. Homeowner Nune Baghdasaryan’s attorneys had been at the
scene before the CES workers. Rights lawyer Edgar Badeyan stated that
the plans to demolish the building illegally had been substantially
presented to the court. The court, taking the legal justifications
as its basis, accepted the statement of claim.

"We presented the notice of the judicial acts, where it is stated that
today at 11 pm they will come and raze the building. We asked that
a temporary ban be placed on this house, and that nothing be done
until a court decision is made, but the court refuses our mediation
without any reasons whatsoever," the rights attorney stated.

After speaking with the rights defender and journalists, CES
workers arrived at the scene and without showing a notice of the
corresponding decision, they started to remove property from out of
the house. The owners of the house and their neighbours attempted to
stop such actions, but this only resulted in a skirmish. At that time,
president of Community and Rights NGO, Samvel Lazarian, arrived at the
scene and also said that CES workers are committing illegal actions,
but those same Compulsory Enforcement Service workers pushed Samvel
Lazarian aside.

One of the CES workers refused to answer journalists’ questions,
saying that all questions should be directed to their press secretary.

A bit later on, the Republic of Armenia Ombudsman Armen Harutyunyan
arrived at Buzand Street. After his arrival, CES workers ceased their
actions. Homeowner Nune Baghdasaryan stated that for the moment she
will not be driven out, and it is possible that the decision will be
made today. She also said that they have decided to fight till the
end and if their voice is not heard in our republic, they are going
to turn to the European Court of Human Rights.

After coming out of the house, CES workers headed for the neighbouring
house, from where they forced out those inhabitants. The homeowner
got so nervous that she almost fainted. Paramedics also arrived at the
scene. The homeowner said that they are demanding just compensation and
don’t wish to come out of the house till the court makes a decision.