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Prime Minister Acknowledged His Guilt



Yerevan’ Armenia-Marriott hotel today hosted the 6th conference
dedicated to International Anti-Corruption Day marked on December 9.

Armenia’s Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan urged to be intolerant towards
people infected with "corruption disease." He was displeased to see the
half-empty hall. "This means our society is indifferent to corruption,"
said Mr. Sargsyan.

Both Tigran Sargsyan and RA Prosecutor General defined corruption as
an ailment and embellished their speech with medical terminology. This
wasn’t not accidental since the prime minister underlined that the
spheres of health and education are the most corrupted in the country.

The Armenian MP thinks that corruption ranks among the most dangerous
diseases that need to be uprooted.

The struggle against corruption should start with high-ranking
officials," said Tigran Sargsyan. "They will have to report their
activities providing transparency of their actions. Many aspire to hold
high posts today and criticize the government simply to reap the fruits
of the post. People don’t want to change their behavioral norms."

"Efficient civil service and the involvement of the society into the
struggle against corruption are also important. It’s not a secret
that our population is too lenient towards corruption, what hampers
formation of a strong state. To eradicate corruption, authorities
and population should join efforts," he said.

Torosian Aram:
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