Will Corruption Be Eradicated?



Armenian Young Lawyers Association today marched through Yerevan’s
central streets carrying the posters: "No to Corruption!"

The action was aimed at acknowledging people with the struggle against
corruption, violated rights and mechanisms of their restoration. The
marchers distributed booklets informing citizens about their rights.

"Things will better after each of us gets armed with will to struggle
against corruption. We must unite our efforts in the struggle to
achieve tangible results," said Norayr Harutyunyan, a legal advisor
of the Association.

Association member Marat Atovmyan thinks corruption hinders reforms
in different spheres.

"If we are able to exercise the principle of inevitability and bring
an official breaching the law before court, we shall register serious
changes in the combat against corruption," said Marat Atovmyan.
