People Scared Of ‘Swine Flu’ Visit Polyclinics


2009-12-10 16:13:00

ArmInfo. Since H1N1 flu appearance in the country citizens have started
visiting polyclinics 3-4 times often than earlier, representative of
Armenian Health Ministry, Vahan Petrosyan, told journalists today.

He also added that the number of calling a doctor has also risen over
the last period of time. Moreover, doctors of polyclinics are on duty
on Saturdays and Sundays because spreading of respiratory infection.

‘All the polyclinics are provided with the necessary medicine including
Tamiflu, which is given to such people free’, – he said and recalled
that an Operative Headquarters was set up under Health Ministry,
which twice per day receives information about the flu situation in
the country. Here are the telephone numbers of the hot line in Health
Ministry : 52-88-72 and 56-53-23.

For his part, the head of the State Sanitary Inspection under Health
Ministry, Artavazd Vanyan, said taking into consideration the flu
situation in the country, additional preventive measures have been
taken, in particular, visits to patients at hospitals have been
limited, special rooms for the people such of flu have been set up
in polyclinics.

To note, 54 cases of H1N1 flu have been registered in Armenia.