US Department Of State Does No See Conflict In Nagorno-Karabakh As A


2009-12-10 11:38:00

ArmInfo. "Both Turkish-Armenian normalization and Nagorno- Karabakh
peace processes are very important for the United States", Assistant
Secretary of State on Europe and Eurasia Philip H. Gordon said.

As APA reports, P.H.Gordon said that "We support the Turkey-Armenia
normalization process. We would like to see the protocols ratified
soon: We think this would benefit Turkey and Armenia and help develop
peace and stability in the region". However he also pointed out that
United States are also engaged in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict:
We think this would benefit Turkey and Armenia and help develop
peace and stability in the region". However he also pointed out that
United States are also engaged in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict:
"This is not because we see conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh as a link
to Turkey-Armenian normalization, but because it could be also a
contribution to peace and stability in the region, that both Azerbaijan
and Armenia would benefit from. We actively participate in the Minsk
Group, the MG OSCE Co-chairs are in the region now, and we think
this is important. US is very much interested in the succeeding of
both of the mentioned processes: it is something we care about and
would like to see succeed. If both of these processes succeed, then
it would be a historic development for the region".

P. Gordon said that US continues to speak of a reasonable time frame
for the Turkey- Armenia normalization process: "We have not defined
it, obviously we would like to see this move forward as quickly as
possible. The protocols were signed by the foreign ministers on October
10th, and they are submitted to the parliaments, which is a good
thing. We have been asking both governments to ratify them as soon as
possible without preconditions and independently of any other issue".

An Armenian journalist asked whether Gordon believes Turkey is turning
away from Europe and the rest of the West. P.H. Gordon responded that
US is satisfied with Turkey’s impact into global challenges fighting
and doesn’t see Turkey as a country that goes in some wrong direction:
"Turkey maintains its interest to join EU, which is an aspiration that
we support. They certainly seem to value their strategic cooperation
with the United States. When Turkey comes to the US and talks about
how we can work together on how we can work together on challenges,
that doesn’t seem to me as country that turns his back to the West
and goes into some other direction", the diplomat concluded.