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Ambassador Marie Yovanovitch To Receive 2009 Diplomacy For Human Rig


14.12.2009 14:16

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has recognized US Ambassador to
Armenia Marie L. Yovanovitch as the recipient of the 2009 "Diplomacy
for Human Rights Award."

The annual "Diplomacy for Human Rights Award" recognizes a
U.S. Ambassador who has demonstrated extraordinary commitment
to defending human rights and advancing democratic principles of
government in his or her host country.

In making her selection, Secretary Clinton recognized Ambassador
Yovanovitch’s principled leadership and innovative use of diplomatic
tools in promoting and defending human rights and democracy as an
essential component of the United States’ bilateral relationship
with Armenia.

Secretary Clinton singled out Ambassador Yovanovitch and her embassy
team for their advocacy of due process and transparent investigations
of those arrested after the contentious February 2008 elections,
and for the Ambassador’s efforts to improve the electoral process in
Armenia, while maintaining a positive relationship with the Armenian

This award has been announced as part of the U.S. government’s efforts
to mark International Human Rights Day on December 10. The award will
be presented early next year.

Upon learning of her selection, the Ambassador said: "While I am
honored to be selected for this award, this award really honors human
rights reformers in Armenia, whether they are in government, civil
society, or the media. As Secretary Clinton stated, ‘human rights and
fundamental freedoms … are the birthright of every human being. They
are the basis of human dignity, and they underpin international peace
and progress.’ As long as I have been a diplomat, I have believed in
these principles, and worked to promote them wherever I have served. I
believe Armenia has made much progress in 18 years, but that there
is still much more work to do on human rights. I want to help with
that process, and I want to do it constructively."

Khoyetsian Rose:
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