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Germany-Karabakh Rock Links



Germans recognize Karabakh

While the a number of Armenian political figures are found out to
be waiting only for repression from the international community
in connection with the Karabakh issue, the German rock community
recognizes Karabakh and even connects some philosophy with this
conception. Therefore, stating from 1988 a band called Nagorny
Karabach exists in Germany which enjoyed much fame in ’90 and is a
bright representative of the so-called Hamburg school.

Nagorno-Karabakh is perceived as a symbol within the rock sphere,
as an unreachable region at the edge of the world where you need to
isolate by the call of your soul and where the night bus does not
get home the tired participants of a party.

Another band-"Destroying newly-built" issued an album in 2007 the most
successful song of which was again called Nagorny Karabach. You can
listen to it on youtube. Note that most of them have never been to
Karabakh. The vocalist of the band Bargland says, "Of course I have
never been to the Armenian enclave-Nagorno-Karabakh. But I like how
this name sounds and I found it creates some feeling of a particular
image of a place where to hide".

Taking into consideration that rock has always been a modern type of
music as well as the bearer of the idea of freedom, unknown intentions
are not ruled out to be hidden here. Apparently, the Armenian policy
does not need to rush for solutions making both us and Karabakh
depend on them. If foreigners started finding some values in Karabakh,
maybe the time comes and we will perceive the Karabakh significance
too. We do not want to go into symbolism but let us cite the words of
the director Fasbiner from the web site of the Nagorny Karabach band.

"Dependence makes people unhappy and when you help them realize it,
you solve a social problem".

Tavakalian Edgar:
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