Supply Of Russian Gas To Armenia Cut Off


2009-12-14 12:11:00

ArmInfo. Transit of natural gas to Armenia from Russia through the
territory of Georgia has been stopped in the evening of December 13
from 9:00 OM by local time, press service of ArmRusgazprom CJSC told
ArmInfo today.

According to the source data, the Company received an official
message saying gas supplies have been stopped in view of the
necessity of elimination of the problems appeared on Northern
Caucasus-Transcaucasus, Mozdok-Tbilis, Oktyabrskaya- Olginskaya,
Oktyabrskaya-Olginskaya-Chmi gas pipelines. According to the source,
gas supply of the republic’s consumers will be carried out from
reserves of Abovyan underground gas storage. Moreover, gas from Iran
is still received.

Earlier, Chairman of the Board, Director General of ArmRusgazprom CJSC
Karen Karapetyan told ArmInfo that Armenia will be able to technically
receive 6-9 mln cub m of gas per day from Iran in early 2010 instead
of the current 3 mln cub m. To note, ArmRusgazprom CJSC is the only
gas supplier to Armenia. 80% of its shares belong to Gazprom and 20%
– to the government of Armenia.