World Bank Report On Disaster Risk Minimization And Emergency Manage


Mond ay, 14 December 2009

RA Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan took part in a panel discussion
about the Global Fund for Disaster Impact Minimization and
Rehabilitation-financed and World Bank-prepared "Disaster risk
minimization and emergency management in Armenia" report, attended
by heads of concerned agencies, local and international experts,
policy designers and representatives of civil society organizations.

Speaking about the possible risks and social-economic impact of natural
disasters, focusing on the need for building capacity in this area,
Prime Minister Tigran Sargsyan said in particular: "We must learn
to live under emergency conditions: more than any other country,
Armenia is aware of disaster consequences. Some 21 years have passed
from the Spitak earthquake, yet we still suffer from its economic,
social and psychological impact.

The modern world urges us to learn managing risks based on the
international experience. This means we face the complex task of
building up a comprehensive system of up-to-date management enabling
disaster anticipation and prevention. Notwithstanding the existing
bottlenecks, specific efforts are underway to this end in Armenia.

Preventive action is the second target in this area. Account taken of
the fact that earthquakes, landslides and floods are commonplace in
Armenia, we should first of all develop and implement such programs
as are aimed at risk minimization."

Taking the floor, head of the World Bank Armenia office Aristomene
Varudakis noted in particular that 80% of Armenia’s population is
exposed to various natural disasters which may cause numerous social
and economic losses calling for so badly needed public funds simply
because the Government has so far failed to anticipate the existing

Proposals and recommendations were made concerning the design of an
all-comprehensive national program of disaster risk minimization in
Armenia, based on the analysis of existing systems and mechanisms,
as well as organizational capacity. It was also suggested to provide
communities with extra powers, support initiatives and promote a
solid framework of public-private cooperation in this area.