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Number Of Customers Exceeded Orange Armenia’s Expectations



In the month and half since entering the market, Orange Armenia has
acquired 100,000 customers, though France Telecom (Orange Armenia)
Director General Bruno Duthoit, speaking at a press conference today,
anticipates the company will have signed on 150,000 customers by the
end of this year. In addition, there are 5,000 customers who’ve signed
on to Orange Armenia’s internet services.

According to Duthoit, the amount of customers is curently greater than
what he expected prior to entering the market. Despite the serious
indicators of growth, it seems that the revenue earned doesn’t
necessarily translate to profitability.

"Investments of 95 million USD in total were anticipated for this year,
but if we also take into consideration market expenses, [and] licensing
fees, then already 140 millon EUR has been spent," said Duthoit.

Despite being accused of "dumping" (a type of predatory pricing policy)
in its mobile and internet services, the Orange Armenia Director
General says there is no such policy in place. "That is not so. Until
our entry [into the market], fees for internet services in Armenia were
quite high. After a suggestion by Orange, other companies similarly
reviewed their fees and today, in comparison with other countries,
Armenian fees [for internet services] are normal," noted Duthoit.

Boshkezenian Garik:
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