Sayyed Khamenei Warns Israel Of Crushing Defeat In Any War On Gaza

Batoul Wehbe


One year after Israel’s aggression on Gaza, the Supreme Leader of
the Islamic Revolution said should Israel start a new armed conflict
against Gazans, it would suffer a much heavier blow. Speaking during
a meeting with visiting Hamas leader Khaled Mashaal, Ayatollah Sayyed
Ali Khamenei pledged Iran’s unwavering support for Palestinians.

"One of the main reasons behind the enmity of the global hegemony
toward the Islamic Republic is the Palestinian issue," said the Supreme
Leader on Tuesday. "If Iran had backtracked about the Palestinian
issue, much of such hostilities would have ceased to exist; however,
regarding this matter we stand fast," Ayatollah Khamenei added.

The Leader blasted Arab states for failing to support the Palestinian
cause, saying, "certain Arabs under the guise of Muslims who betray
the people of Palestine" are a major concern regarding this matter.

Ayatollah Khamenei went on to say that the only solution to the
Palestinian crisis is "resistance, having trust in God and taking

Calling to mind the plight of the people of Gaza during a deadly
Israeli assault in 2008, the Leader warned Israel against waging
another war in the region.

"If the Israeli regime launches another war against the people of
Gaza, they will receive a much heavier blow and suffer a more crushing
defeat than before," Ayatollah Khamenei said.

For his part, Mashaal, who has been visiting Iran since Sunday,
expressed appreciation at Iran’s support for the Palestinian people,
and stated that Hamas would continue its fight. Speaking at a news
conference earlier today, Mashaal said that Islamic resistance groups
would back Iran if it was attacked by Israel.

Israel’s three-week offensive against Gaza in 2008 left nearly 1,300
Palestinians dead, more than half of them civilians, according to
medical sources. The Israeli assault led to the destruction of schools,
mosques, houses, UN compounds and government buildings.