Baku Launches Anti-American Campaign

17:19 17/12/2009

Azadlig commented on the anti-American campaign launched by the
representatives of Azerbaijani ruling "Yeni Azerbaijan" party.

According to the paper, any of Azerbaijan’s measures taken can’t
anyhow affect the policy of the official Washington.

The Azerbaijani authorities are again in panic over the US Congress
financial aid allocated to Armenia being twice as much as that to
Azerbaijan. Moreover, under the world financial-economic crisis the
Congress has allocated $8 mln. to Karabakh as well.

The approaches and comments of the Azerbaijani political figures and
analysts, with some differences and on different levels, have been
directed to Washington.

Some analysts think, that thus, the US want to make Azerbaijan
understand the change of their disposition, that is, they are not con
the Nagorno-Karabakh self-determination process. While some others
think, Washington attempts to get much more dividends from Azerbaijan
through bargaining the Nagorno-Karabakh issue.