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Housewarming In Armavir


Dec 18 2009

As part of his working visit to Armavir marz, Prime Minister Tigran
Sargsyan took part in the ceremonious opening of a residential
building for servicemen engaged by RA Ministry of Defense in Armavir
town. Nearly 250 million drams were allocated from the State budget
for construction activities which started last year. Strong with 16
flats, the new-built block of flats was blessed by Primate of Armavir
Diocese, Bishop Zion Adamyan.

During the housewarming event, the Prime Minister shared the enthusiasm
of the officers in attendance by noting that housing construction
is a small victory amid crisis. In his congratulatory speech, Tigran
Sargsyan stated in part: "It is our duty to address the concerns of
army officers. You should always feel the Government’s thoughtfulness
and backing.

There is still much to do in this area: thousands of households need
housing. This is a primordial task for the government, and young
families constitute a first priority target group," Tigran Sargsyan
said by meaning those several hundreds of households involving army

Nahapetian Samvel:
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