Schiff Slams Turkish Lobby Genocide Denial

19.12.2009 13:13

House Armenian Genocide Resolution lead sponsor, Rep. Adam Schiff
(D-CA), this week, called for the adoption of the Armenian Genocide
Resolution (H.Res.252) as a necessary step to both counter Turkey’s
campaign of denial and to help lay the foundation for a lasting
Armenia-Turkey relationship based on truth, reported the Armenian
National Committee of America (ANCA).

Rep. Schiff’s actions came in response to a letter from the Assembly of
Turkish American Associations (ATAA) and Federation of Turkish American
Associations (FTAA) that cited the historical "commission" provision
of the recently signed Turkey-Armenia Protocols as justification for
blocking Congressional condemnation and commemoration of the Armenian
Genocide. "The Turkey-Armenia Protocols, which the United States,
Europe and Russia are supporting, include the establishment of a
historical commission to investigate the events of 1915," explain
ATAA President Gunay Evinch and FTAA President Kaya Boztepe. "This
investigation will necessarily probe the Armenian Revolt (1885-1919)
during which 1.1 million Ottoman Muslims and Jews perished, and
its consequences for Ottoman Armenian rebels and their supporters,"
they continue, advancing the standard Turkish government propaganda
denying the Armenian Genocide.

Rep. Schiff, in a letter made public on December 18th, explained,
"I received your letter regarding the Armenian Genocide Resolution
(H.Res.252) and after reading it, I am more certain than ever that the
best way to ensure that the victims of the Armenian Genocide are not
forgotten is to pass the resolution." The California legislator also
stressed his concern that "tiny, landlocked Armenia will be forced to
accept an historical whitewash in order to end the punitive blockade
that is stifling its economic development and threatens to condemn
another generation of Armenian children to poverty."

Referencing recent statements by U.S government officials that the
"commission is not intended as a vehicle to review the history of the
Armenian Genocide," Rep. Schiff described the ATAA/FTAA joint letter as
"a vehicle to continue Ankara’s decades of denial."

"Congressman Schiff’s powerful response to the ATAA and FTAA clearly
rejects Turkey’s attempts to use the Turkey- Armenia Protocols to
block U.S. recognition of the Armenian Genocide," said Aram Hamparian,
Executive Director of the ANCA. "We value, as well, the Congressman’s
strong words, his principled stand, and his tireless efforts to firmly
establish the fundamental truth that Turkey has spent decades trying
to avoid – namely that the universal recognition of this crime –
including by both Washington and Ankara – represents a necessary
element of any durable Armenia-Turkey relationship."

H.Res.252, introduced on March 17th of this year by lead sponsors Adam
Schiff and George Radanovich (R-CA), and Congressional Armenian Caucus
Co-chairs Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Mark Kirk (R-IL), currently has over
135 cosponsors. Its companion legislation in the Senate (S.Res.316),
spearheaded by Senators Bob Menendez (D-NJ) and John Ensign (R-NV)
has 11 cosponsors, including Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV)
and Sen. Carl Levin (D-MI), the most recent addition to the cosponsor
list. Both bills are identical to legislation in the 110th Congress
that was adopted by the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and publicly
endorsed by then-candidate for President Barack Obama, current Vice
President Joe Biden and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton. Since
the introduction of the current resolution this March, President
Obama has broken his pledge to recognize the Armenian Genocide,
retreating markedly from repeated statements and promises he made
throughout his service in the Senate calling for proper U.S.

condemnation and commemoration of this crime against humanity.