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CARD presents program of mobile mini-slaughter of sheep in early 201

CARD presents program of mobile mini-slaughter of sheep in early 2010
19.12.2009 14:21 GMT+04:00

/PanARMENIAN.Net/ In early 2010 the Center for Agribusiness and Rural
Development (CARD) presents a program of mobile mini-slaughter of the
sheep, Gagik Sardaryan , director of the Center for Agribusiness and
Rural Development told a press conference in Yerevan. "The program is
ready, and soon we will show how you can use a mobile mini-slaughter
in good sanitary conditions to organize the slaughter of sheep and
sale of meat," he said.

He also said The organization continues to carry out training of
veterinarians on artificial insemination of domestic animals. "More
than 100 specialists have been retrained, with the use of modern
technologies they will be able to artificially inseminate domestic
animals in Armenia using frozen seed of high quality bulls imported
from the U.S, " he said.

Nahapetian Zhanna:
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