BAKU: Turkish MP: Turkey Will Never Agree To Open Borders With Armen


Dec 21 2009

Day.Az interview with Secretary member and deputy of Turkey’s Grand
National Assembly (parliament) from the Nationalist Movement Party
(NMP) Murat Ozkan.

Day.Az: Has Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s U.S. trip
led to any progress in ratification of the Turkey-Armenia protocols?

Murat Ozkan: There is no progress in this regard yet. It is impossible
to discuss this issue without deoccupation of Nagorno-Karabakh
and seven surrounding regions. First, because a forced change in
geographical boundaries of Azerbaijan is contrary to international
laws and principles. Secondly, Turkey considers Azerbaijan’s problems
as its own and will never agree to open borders with Armenia under
current situation.

Recently, Armenian President Serzh Sargsyan announced that "Turkey
must fulfill its obligations under the protocols." We are outraged by
this statement. A person who took part in occupation of Azerbaijani
territories and committed Khojaly massacre cannot make ultimatum
to Turkey. If the U.S. acts in unison with Armenia on this issue,
it will bring no good results.

Armenian media says Sargsyan stressed a need to amend the Constitution
so that Armenia will have a right to withdraw its signatures from
under the international documents. If these changes are implemented,
Armenia will be able to recall its signature from the protocols. Do
you think Sargsyan’s proposals mean pressure on Turkey?

How Sargsyan can put pressure on Turkey? Neither Armenia nor anyone
else can put pressure on Turkey. If they dare, they will get an
adequate response. After signing of the protocols, Sargsyan stated
that they are not going to liberate occupied lands. This happened
in front of eyes of the U.S. and the EU which call for warming of
relations between the countries. Armenia has no right to demand
something from Turkey untill Armenia withdraws from the occupied
territories and the refugees return to their homes.

After all, they will withdraw from all occupied Azerbaijani lands and
pay compensation to Azerbaijan for damages from the occupation. Only
after this we can sit at the negotiating table with them and decide
what to do next. Amendments to the Constitution are Armenia’s internal
affair. With regard to withdrawal of signatures, Armenians have
never stood up for their signatures throughout the history. They are
known for their treachery and abandonment of their promises. They
will not stand up for their signatures even without amendments to
the Constitution.

Are reports claiming that President Obama has urged Prime Minister
Erdogan to accelerate ratification of the protocols true?

The prime minister did not spoke of this issue. But it became known
from the backstage conversations that Obama touched upon this issue.

Erdogan has also outright stated the parliament will not debate the
protocols without resolution of the Karabakh conflict. He recalled
that the Turkish government has fulfilled its task and now it’s up
the parliament and the Turkish people. The parliament and the Turkish
people are opposed to any official relations with the Armenia untill
the Karabakh problem is resolved.

Turkey is a democratic country. People elect deputies and deputies
are obliged to comply with people’s interests and fulfill their will.

Today, people are urging not to ratify the Turkish-Armenian protocols.

This issue is not solved by someone’s call. If you remember, the U.S.

had the consent of the Turkey’s government to attack on Iraq through
Turkish airspace, but parliament rejected this move. So, the deal
never took place.

The Turkish government cannot violate the law. Moreover, Erdogan
announced at the Azerbaijani parliament that Turks would never betray
their brothers. History of Turkey is much more ancient than the history
of the United States. The Turkic empires covered the map of the world
at a time even the U.S. did not even exist.

What is the true reason for resignation of Turkish ambassador to
the U.S.?

This ambassador was true diplomat with great experience. He has never
been negligent of his duties. I think the ambassador did not make
any mistake.

The United States has decided to introduce a package of assistance
to the separatist Nagorno-Karabakh…

This question has a negative effect on the U.S. credibility throughout
the world. Although Obama is Nobel Peace Prize winner, he helps
the separatist group that has killed thousands of people. U.S. and
Barack Obama cannot find any truthful reasons for this help. They
have declared war on terrorism their top priority while they aid
Armenian terrorists. U.S. helps the terrorist regime ignoring one
million Azerbaijanis who have been subjected to terrorism. Why they
do not allocate funds for the Azerbaijani community of Karabakh? I
think the Turkish MPs should support their Azerbaijani counterparts
in this matter and protest the United States.

The OSCE Minsk Group efforts to resolve the Karabakh conflict have
been fruitless so far. In your opinion, will further activities of
the group yield fruits in future?

The Minsk Group has moved not a jot in settlement of the problem for
several years. This mission should go to the archives of history. I
think the co-chair countries should admit their failure and resign.

These three countries should assess outcomes of their activities.

Either new moderators should be tasked with resolving the conflict
or the conflicting sides should resolve it themselves. Azerbaijani
and Armenian leaders have sufficient experience in joint negotiations.

They can talk without mediators. The co-chairs cannot compel the
parties to anything.

According to the media, the Turkish Diaspora in the U.S. has addressed
the Congress to contribute to reconciliation with the Armenian
Diaspora …

There is no Turkish Diaspora the U.S. due to small number of Turks.

They cannot influence the Congress or the Armenian Diaspora. We
studied this issue through our channels. I can responsibly say that
there was no such a request. This is a lie of the Armenian Diaspora
and the media.

Azerbaijani MPs have proposed to declare 2010 the year of Khojaly.

Will Turkey take steps to recognize Khojaly genocide in the coming

This is a great initiative and I support it. NMP brings recognition
of Khojali genocide to the agenda of the parliament each year. We
will do our best in this regard in future. When we see TV footage on
the Khojaly massacre, it cannot hold our tears.

Sargsyan, who has brutally killed innocent children, women and elderly
in Khojaly, is now the president of Armenia. Such a notorious criminal
travels freely around the world carrying out his policies. He once said
that they committed the Khojaly massacre not in order to scare the
Azerbaijanis, but to show what they are able to do. He is a criminal
who committed war crimes and must be brought to justice. His place
is not presidency, but international tribunal. Armenians should be
ashamed of a man who rules them.

Armenians will not be able to erase this dirty trick from pages
of world history. I was in Igdir during the Khojaly massacre. We
periodically visited Nakhchivan and discussed with our friends the ways
to help Khojaly. Unfortunately, executioners like Sargsyan reached
Khojaly before us, and committed the massacre. The Turks should not
forget history, in particular, Khojaly events.