BAKU: Will NAP’s Anti-American Campaign Be Effective?


Dec 17 2009

Rahim Haciyev: A state like the USA cannot change its decision as a
result of similar campaigns’ Sulhaddin Akbar: I do not believe the
government’s efforts to change the US decision will be fruitful’

A US [the US Congress allocated 8m dollars for the self-proclaimed
Karabakh] decision to allocate a financial aid to the Karabakh’s
separatist regime has paved the way for Azerbaijani government
representatives to kick off an anti-US campaign. For example,
[parliamentarian] Ali Huseynov has blamed the USA of political
corruption. MP Hadi Racabli and the head of the Strategic Research
Centre under the Azerbaijani President are viewing this decision as
a manifestation of the double standards by the USA. Nevertheless,
they have also expressed their hope that President Obama would prevent
the financial aid to the Karabakh separatist at the last moment. We
wonder, may the protests of the Azerbaijani authorities be effective
at the end?

Rahim Haciyev of the presidium of the PFAP [the People’s Front Party
of Azerbaijan] thinks there is no hope that a state like the USA would
change its decision following a similar campaign. Similar decisions
are accepted in line with the foreign policy course of the state,
Rahim Haciyev said, adding that the financial aid has been taken in
conformity with a decision shaped for a specific historic condition:
"The intriguing point is that in previous years, the USA allocated
up to 20m dollars in aid to Karabakh. Nevertheless, Azerbaijan did
not make similar accusations against the USA as charges against
America are not fully connected with the allocation of the 8m-dollar
in aid for Karabakh. Representatives of the Azerbaijani authorities
have been already airing numerous accusations against the USA for
several months."

The start of the government’s anti-American campaign causes regret
at a time when the USA is seriously engaged in the activities for
the resolution of the Karabakh problem, Rahim Haciyev said. He also
added that if the authorities want the resolution of the Karabakh
problem, it should cooperate in earnest with America, avoiding further
aggravation of the relations: "Everyone already knows that up until
now, the USA has made unprecedented efforts towards the resolution
of the Karabakh problem. The USA has also involved Turkey in this
process. The USA has also had serious contacts with Russia over this
problem. A recent statement from the Russian Foreign Ministry said
a certain agreement over the Karabakh problem might emerge next year.

This indicates that even Russia is ready to express its solidarity with
the USA over the resolution of the Karabakh problem. Therefore, even
if the USA is not completely fair about the Karabakh, the Azerbaijani
authorities have to further strengthen the relations with Washington."

The chairman of the Maclis [board] of the Musavat Party, Sulhaddin
Akbar, believes there is nothing new that the USA gives financial
aid to Armenia and the separatist Karabakh regime: "There has always
been similar financial aid. Simply, what is taking place now in the
relations between Washington and Baku is being viewed from a different
context. Despite all the efforts of the Azerbaijani authorities,
I do not think America would revoke its decision to give financial
aid to the separatist regime."