N. Zohrabyan: "The two processes will succeed"


Dec 21 2009

"2009 was a year of overcoming the results of the crises", – Prosperous
Armenia Party MP Naira Zohrabyan said during the press conference,
summarizing the ending year.

One of the important events she mentioned the signing of the Armenian
– Turkish protocols and the processes connected with it. According to
the MP this year was significant for the possibility of establishing
normal Armenian – Turkish relations, and in case of the Karabkh
conflict settlement she mentioned the principle of active talks.

"I hope that those two processes will have a good ending, nevertheless
the tendency is noticed", – she said.

In the internal policy N. Zohrabyan noted the close and fruitless
work of the forces that form the acting coalition. She also mentioned
that during the year they have managed to overcome the effects of
the crisis of March 1, 2008 through their hard work.

"Due to the joint forces of the coalition we could definitely establish
an atmosphere of trust in Armenia. Of course we still have a lot of
problems, but the important thing is that the way chosen is correct",
– N. Zohrabyan said insuring that 2010 will be more stable year
politically and economically.