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President Serzh Sargsyan Participated In An Unofficial Summit Of The


DECEMBER 21, 2009

YEREVAN, DECEMBER 21, ARMENPRESS: An unofficial summit of the Heads
of states took place on December 19, at the Ak Bulak compound near
the former capital of Kazakhstan Alma Ati. The summit was attended
by the Presidents of Armenia, the Russian Federation, Kazakhstan,
Belarus, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, and Turkmenistan.

Presidential Press Office told Armenpress that the Presidents of the
states gathered to discuss issues related to the integration processes
in the CIS area, deepening of the economic and trade relations, the
newly created anti-crisis fund, security on the territory of countries
of the Collective Security Treaty Organization, and prospects of
cooperation in international organizations.

During the informal meeting, the President of Armenia Serzh Sargsyan
expressed gratitude to the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan
Nazarbaev for organizing the summit, noting that during the similar
informal meeting of the Presidents last December a number of pivotal
decisions were made aimed at the promotion of integration processes and
resolution of concrete issues facing our countries. Those decisions
have been successfully implemented this year, including the creation
of the Rapid Response Force and establishment of a technological
center. President Sargsyan stressed the importance of the activities
directed at deepening of cooperation and integration processes,
including military and technical cooperation and joint training of
personnel, and further strengthening of security.

Serzh Sargsyan stressed also the importance of a joint response of
the CSTO states to all instances of the violation by a country of the
accepted norms of international law or disregard for the fundamental
principles of the organization.

President Sargsyan congratulated Nursultan Nazarbaev with Kazakhstan’s
Chairmanship of the OSCE in 2010. The President of Armenia noted
that this was the first time when the OSCE was chaired by the CSTO
country and added that our country supported Kazakhstan’s candidacy
for chairmanship based on understanding that it would allow the
CSTO member states to make their approaches and arguments regarding
regional issues as well as issues of international cooperation,
peace and security more audible.

The unofficial summit of the Heads of States wrapped up December 20,
and the President of Armenia returned back to Yerevan.

Jilavian Emma:
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