NKR: They Were Driving The Elephant In The Treets Of Baku…

Leonid Martirosyan

Azat Artsakh Newspaper NKR
December 21, 2009

Azerbaijan has not had time to come round after the sensational
reporting of TVchannel Euronews "Nagorno-Karabakh – a wind of changes"
in which Artsakh has been called a truly Armenian, Christian earth and
heart of Armenia, when its self-respect has received one more painful
blow. And the matter is that on December 9th at joint conference of
members of the Senate and the House of Representatives of the USA
Congress the bill, according to which in 2010 financial year the
United States will allocate Nagorno-Karabakh the help at a rate of 8
million dollars, has been approved. As it’s known, in a case with
Euronews Azerbaijan with shamelessness peculiar to it has begun to
overflow the authoritative TVchannel with protest letters in which
it has accused it of all incredible sins – paid invitation, ignorance
of history of region and Azerbaijan, in disrespect for international
law, according to which, in Baku’s opinion, the correspondents of the
channel should ask its permission for going to Nagorno-Karabakh. In
a word, the tooling of blackmail and threats well- known to us has
been settled, to which each time Azeri side has already resorted for
a long time, when someone dares to operate contrary to the point
of view of Baku. Also it is necessary to say, in its impoliteness
Azerbaijan comes so far, that absolutely loses feeling of a reality
and let’s say so, ability to concern its personality self-critically.
Here and this time in Azerbaijan the whole protest campaign against
the decision of the USA Congress has been initiated, in which
representatives of both official and oppositional circles have been
involved. Which already brings selfly to the idea about existance
of the united centre, which organises and co-ordinates all this
propaganda witch meeting. Knowing about East monarchic character
of a regime in this country, it is possible not to doubt, who has
given the signal of start to this Antiamerican action. Let’s admit,
all this Antiamerican noisiness of Baku, cannot cause anything except
an ironic smile. However, completely not indulgent smile. The thing
is not, that the USA allocate humanitarian help to Nagorno-Karabakh
not the first year. And any more it’s not the first year, that Baku
tries vainly with all lawlessnesses to achieve the termination of
such help by american administration.. Comedy of a situation is in its
similarity with a plot of the known fable of Krylov about the Pug and
the Elephant. As stupid Krylov’s doggie, Baku does not wish to notice
an essential difference in weight (especially – political) between
themselves and Washington. Otherwise the parliament of Azerbaijan,
protesting against the decision of the American legislators on
allocation of financial help to Nagorno-Karabakh, would not accept
on December 15th the rigid reference to the USA president and the
Congress in which under cover of demagogical rantings about "national
interests and strategic partnership of the two countries" practically
inconsiderately demands from the US president to put a veto for this
decision. As well the political parties presented in parliament have
accepted similiar reference. Certainly,Azerbaijan’s President’s
Stuff could not stand aside of campaign of condemnation of actions of
the USA. So, the head of department on public- political questions
Ali Hassanov has declared, that Azerbaijan condemns rendering of
financial help to Nagorno-Karabakh, and has saddled the favourite
propaganda fad of the Azeri side – territorial integrity.

"Each such help serves development of a separative regime, and such
step of the USA indirectly serves infringement of territorial integrity
of Azerbaijan", – the representative of a presidential host has uttered
this drilled phrase. But, perhaps, in all barks to the elephant, the
ambassador of Azerbaijan in the USA Jashar Aliev has gone further. He,
neither more, nor less, without everyone’s diplomatic tenderness has
demanded from Washington henceforth to co-ordinate decisions of the
American Congress with Azerbaijan: "All programs and the activity,
realised by the government of the USA in Nagorno-Karabakh, should be
co-ordinated with Baku". Curiously, what sanctions threaten Washington
in case of obeying the requirements of Baku? Ah, yes – barking to
the elephant! Well, if Azerbaijan does not notice, how comically it
looks in the role of Pug, so it’s of course its personal-aliev’s
business. But the Elephant’s, that is Washington’s business is –
proceeding from the humanitarian reasons fixed in the own Constitution,
henceforth to assist Nagorno-Karabakh people who have suffered from
antihuman actions of Azerbaijan.

Therefore here it’s proper to speak not about comedy, and about
cynicism of the Azeri authorities which, not having managed earlier to
realise the purposes on gain Nagorno-Karabakh destroying phisically
its people, now they try by brutal rage to prevent its development
in every possible way. Naturally, they won’t manage to do it.